

  1. My Aspects displays all posts made by all the people with whom you are sharing – that is, the people you have placed into your aspects. Don’t worry if you don’t know what an aspect is – we’re going to cover this in detail in the next part.
    My Aspects displays all posts made by all the people with whom you are sharingthat is, the people you have placed into your aspects. Dont worry if you dont know what an aspect iswere going to cover this in detail in the next part.
    modifié via l’API .
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  2. My Aspects displays all posts made by all the people with whom you are sharing – that is, the people you have placed into your aspects. Don’t worry if you don’t know what an aspect is – we’re going to cover this in detail in the next part.
    My Aspects displays all posts made by all the people with whom you are sharingthat is, the people you have placed into your aspects. Dont worry if you dont know what an aspect iswere going to cover this in detail in the next part.
    modifié par Jonne Haß via une opération en batch.
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  3. My aspects displays all posts made by all the people with whom you are sharing – that is, the people you have placed into your aspects. Don’t worry if you don’t know what an aspect is – we’re going to cover this in detail in the next part.
    My aspects displays all posts made by all the people with whom you are sharingthat is, the people you have placed into your aspects. Dont worry if you dont know what an aspect iswere going to cover this in detail in the next part.
    modifié via l’API .
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  4. “My aspects” displays all posts made by all the people with whom you are sharing – that is, the people you have placed into your aspects. Don’t worry if you don’t know what an aspect is – we’re going to cover this in detail in the next part.
    My aspectsdisplays all posts made by all the people with whom you are sharingthat is, the people you have placed into your aspects. Dont worry if you dont know what an aspect iswere going to cover this in detail in the next part.
    modifié via l’API .
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  5. “Aspektet e mia” shfaq krejt postimet e bëra nga krejt personat me të cilët ndani gjëra – domethënë, personat që i keni vendosur në aspektet tuaja. Mos u merakosni pse s’dini se ç’është një aspekt – këtë do ta mbulojmë me hollësi në pjesën pasuese.
    “Aspektet e mia” shfaq krejt postimet e bëra nga krejt personat me të cilët ndani gjëra – domethënë, personat që i keni vendosur në aspektet tuaja. Mos u merakosni pse s’dini se ç’është një aspekt – këtë do ta mbulojmë me hollësi në pjesën pasuese.

    Aspektet e miashfaq krejt postimet e bëra nga krejt personat me cilët ndani gjëradomethënë, personat i keni vendosur aspektet tuaja. Mos u merakosni pse sdini se çështë një aspektkëtë do ta mbulojmë me hollësi pjesën pasuese.

    modifié par Besnik Bleta .
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