

  1. Someone has placed you into one of their aspects, but you haven’t done likewise for them. You will get a notification that this person has “started sharing with you” but you won’t notice any other change.
    Someone has placed you into one of their aspects, but you havent done likewise for them. You will get a notification that this person hasstarted sharing with youbut you wont notice any other change.
    modifié via l’API .
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  2. Someone has placed you into one of their aspects, but you haven’t done likewise for them. You will get a notification that this person has “started sharing with you” but you won’t notice any other change.
    Someone has placed you into one of their aspects, but you havent done likewise for them. You will get a notification that this person hasstarted sharing with youbut you wont notice any other change.
    modifié par Jonne Haß via une opération en batch.
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  3. Dikush ju ka vendosur në një nga aspektet e veta, por këtë s’e keni bërë ju për të. Do të merrni një njoftim se ky person “filloi të ndajë gjëra me ju” por nuk do të vini re ndonjë ndryshim tjetër.
    Dikush ju ka vendosur në një nga aspektet e veta, por këtë s’e keni bërë ju për të. Do të merrni një njoftim se ky person “filloi të ndajë gjëra me ju” por nuk do të vini re ndonjë ndryshim tjetër.

    Dikush ju ka vendosur një nga aspektet e veta, por këtë se keni bërë ju për . Do merrni një njoftim se ky personfilloi ndajë gjëra me jupor nuk do vini re ndonjë ndryshim tjetër.

    modifié par Besnik Bleta .
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