

  1. There’s no way to tell which aspect someone else has placed you in, for privacy reasons – it’s their business which of their aspects they place each person in, so no one else can find out.
    Theres no way to tell which aspect someone else has placed you in, for privacy reasonsits their business which of their aspects they place each person in, so no one else can find out.
    modifié via l’API .
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  2. There’s no way to tell which aspect someone else has placed you in, for privacy reasons – it’s their business which of their aspects they place each person in, so no one else can find out.
    Theres no way to tell which aspect someone else has placed you in, for privacy reasonsits their business which of their aspects they place each person in, so no one else can find out.
    modifié par Jonne Haß via une opération en batch.
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  3. Nuk ka ndonjë mënyrë për të treguar se në cilin aspekt ju ka vendosur dikush, për arsye privatësie – është punë e tyre se te cilët aspekte vendosin çdo person, ndaj askush s’mund ta gjejë.
    Nuk ka ndonjë mënyrë për të treguar se në cilin aspekt ju ka vendosur dikush, për arsye privatësie – është punë e tyre se te cilët aspekte vendosin çdo person, ndaj askush s’mund ta gjejë.

    Nuk ka ndonjë mënyrë për treguar se cilin aspekt ju ka vendosur dikush, për arsye privatësieështë punë e tyre se te cilët aspekte vendosin çdo person, ndaj askush smund ta gjejë.

    modifié par Besnik Bleta .
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