

  1. You are sharing with a person who is not sharing with you. This means that you have added them to one (or more) of your aspects, but they have not added you to their aspects.
    You are sharing with a person who is not sharing with you. This means that you have added them to one (or more) of your aspects, but they have not added you to their aspects.
    modifié via l’API .
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  2. You are sharing with a person who is not sharing with you. This means that you have added them to one (or more) of your aspects, but they have not added you to their aspects.
    You are sharing with a person who is not sharing with you. This means that you have added them to one (or more) of your aspects, but they have not added you to their aspects.
    modifié par Jonne Haß via une opération en batch.
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  3. Ndani gjëra me një person që nuk ndan me ju. Kjo do të thotë që i keni shtuar te një (ose më shumë) nga aspektet tuaja, por këta s’ju kanë shtuar te aspektet e tyre.
    Ndani gjëra me një person që nuk ndan me ju. Kjo do të thotë që i keni shtuar te një (ose më shumë) nga aspektet tuaja, por këta s’ju kanë shtuar te aspektet e tyre.

    Ndani gjëra me një person nuk ndan me ju. Kjo do thotë i keni shtuar te një (ose shumë) nga aspektet tuaja, por këta sju kanë shtuar te aspektet e tyre.

    modifié par Besnik Bleta .
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