

  1. There’s a lot more that you can do with diaspora*. Here’s a small selection of tips you might like.
    Theres a lot more that you can do with diaspora*. Heres a small selection of tips you might like.
    modifié via l’API .
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  2. There’s a lot more that you can do with diaspora*. Here’s a small selection of tips you might like.
    Theres a lot more that you can do with diaspora*. Heres a small selection of tips you might like.
    modifié par Jonne Haß via une opération en batch.
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  3. Ka plot gjëra të tjera që mund të bëhen me diaspora*-n. Ja një përzgjedhje e vogël me marifete që mund t’ju pëlqejnë.
    Ka plot gjëra të tjera që mund të bëhen me diaspora*-n. Ja një përzgjedhje e vogël me marifete që mund t’ju pëlqejnë.

    Ka plot gjëra tjera mund bëhen me diaspora*-n. Ja një përzgjedhje e vogël me marifete mund tju pëlqejnë.

    modifié par Besnik Bleta .
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