Discussion commencée , avec 3 commentaires.
  1. Peter S. Traducteur en néerlandais ayant un droit de relecture total (incluant ses propres traductions)

    unknown stuff. Not allowed in NL

  2. Matt Kane Manager

    Most of these treatments aren't allowed in the UK either. Hey, even oxalic acid is technically not allowed. But it's just a list.

  3. Peter S. Traducteur en néerlandais ayant un droit de relecture total (incluant ses propres traductions)

    Not allowed is different from forbidden.
    In the Netherlands oxalic and formic acids are not allowed (certified?) as drug against Varroa, but tolerated. Antibiotics and miticides like Tactic Amitraz etc, however, are forbidden.
    (Formic and oxalic acid are found in nature and occurs naturally in honey)

  4. Matt Kane Manager

    Same in UK, I think. Probably an EU thing?


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