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These projects are looking for translators. Select a project and request an invitation to get started.

03 mar. ‘13 07:04
1 file imported to database on 3 planteurs. See changes »
03 mar. ‘13 07:03
1 file imported to database on TheocBase. See changes »
02 mar. ‘13 23:05
1 file imported to database on 3 planteurs. See changes »
02 mar. de 04:34 to 16:34
Juhani Matilainen added 2 target files to TheocBase. See changes »
02 mar. ‘13 16:34
The Swahili (sw) language was added to the project TheocBase.
02 mar. ‘13 15:04
1 file imported to database on 3 planteurs. See changes »
02 mar. de 02:51 to 14:59
Johan Öhlin changed 7 translations in Swedish on Diaspora. See changes »
01 mar. de 10:14 to 22:31
4 files imported to database on bem-tools. See changes »
01 mar. ‘13 15:54
1 file imported to database on WebTranslateIt. See changes »
01 mar. ‘13 15:53
A file was updated via the API on WebTranslateIt. See changes »
01 mar. ‘13 15:06
1 file imported to database on 3 planteurs. See changes »
01 mar. de 02:43 to 14:43
Edouard changed 3 translations in French on WebTranslateIt. See changes »
01 mar. ‘13 14:42
1 file imported to database on WebTranslateIt. See changes »
01 mar. ‘13 14:41
A file was updated via the API on WebTranslateIt. See changes »
01 mar. ‘13 13:22
Édouard joined the project WebTranslateIt as Translator with super proofreading rights. Édouard was invited by Edouard.
01 mar. ‘13 09:14
Benoit Hediard added 1 target file to Apps. See changes »
01 mar. ‘13 09:14
The Hungarian (hu) language was added to the project Apps.
01 mar. ‘13 07:05
1 file imported to database on 3 planteurs. See changes »
28 fév. ‘13 21:51
Lubos Hasko commented on a discussion: Latest german translation on Manager.
28 fév. ‘13 15:05
1 file imported to database on 3 planteurs. See changes »
28 fév. ‘13 13:00
(A deleted user) commented on a discussion: Latest german translation on Manager.
28 fév. ‘13 10:11
Edouard changed 1 translations in French on WebTranslateIt. See changes »
28 fév. ‘13 10:04
1 file imported to database on WebTranslateIt. See changes »
28 fév. ‘13 10:03
A file was updated via the API on WebTranslateIt. See changes »
28 fév. ‘13 09:29
Lubos Hasko commented on a discussion: Latest german translation on Manager.