European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)

18 Nov from 10:12am to 12:56pm
Steffen Kreuseler changed 146 translations in English and Italian on European Resistance Archive (ERA). Hide changes

In English:

  1. We went there with Carretti, a guy working for Edison, the local electric company:
    We went there with Carretti, a guy working for Edison, the local electric company:

    We went there with Carretti, a guy working for Edison, the local electric company:

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  2. We went there with Carretti and met with a guy working for Edison, the local electric company:
    We went there with Carretti and met with a guy working for Edison, the local electric company:

    We went there with Carretti and met with a guy working for Edison, the local electric company:

    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. while my brother had gone away with Frigio, Bedeschi. They were faster in getting back together.
    while my brother had gone away with Frigio, Bedeschi. They were faster in getting back together.

    while my brother had gone away with Frigio, Bedeschi. They were faster in getting back together.

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  2. while my brother had gone away with "Frigio", the Bedeschi unit. They were faster in getting back together.
    while my brother had gone away with "Frigio", the Bedeschi unit. They were faster in getting back together.

    while my brother had gone away with "Frigio", the Bedeschi unit. They were faster in getting back together.

    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. while my brother had gone away with "Frigio", the Bedeschi unit. They were faster in getting back together.
    while my brother had gone away with "Frigio", the Bedeschi unit. They were faster in getting back together.

    while my brother had gone away with "Frigio", the Bedeschi unit. They were faster in getting back together.

    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  2. while my brother had gone away with "Frigio" and the Bedeschi unit. They were faster in getting back together.
    while my brother had gone away with "Frigio" and the Bedeschi unit. They were faster in getting back together.

    while my brother had gone away with "Frigio" and the Bedeschi unit. They were faster in getting back together.

    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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In Italian:

  1. My name is Giacomo Notari.
    My name is Giacomo Notari.
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  2. Allora, io mi chiamo Giacomo Notari,
    Allora, io mi chiamo Giacomo Notari,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. I was born and still live in the mountains, in the town of Busana, in a tiny hamlet called Marmoreto.
    I was born and still live in the mountains, in the town of Busana, in a tiny hamlet called Marmoreto.
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  2. sono nato e abito ancora in montagna. Nel comune di Busana, esattamente in una piccolissima borgata chi si chiama Marmoreto.
    sono nato e abito ancora in montagna. Nel comune di Busana, esattamente in una piccolissima borgata chi si chiama Marmoreto.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. I have always lived here, because the mountains are part of my soul.
    I have always lived here, because the mountains are part of my soul.
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  2. Sono sempre vissuto lì, anche quando ho lavorato a Reggio proprio perché la montagna ce l’ho nell’anima.
    Sono sempre vissuto , anche quando ho lavorato a Reggio proprio perché la montagna ce lho nellanima.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. I was born in a small hamlet of about 300 inhabitants.
    I was born in a small hamlet of about 300 inhabitants.
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  2. Perciò sono nato lì in un borgata che aveva attorno a 300 abitanti,
    Perciò sono nato in un borgata che aveva attorno a 300 abitanti,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. Most of the people were small farmers who survived on subsistence farming.
    Most of the people were small farmers who survived on subsistence farming.
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  2. piccoli contadini in generale che producevano non per il mercato ma per vivere, un’agricoltura di sopravvivenza.
    piccoli contadini in generale che producevano non per il mercato ma per vivere, unagricoltura di sopravvivenza.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. It was the same for my family: we had some land, a few cows, chestnut groves and some woods.
    It was the same for my family: we had some land, a few cows, chestnut groves and some woods.
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  2. E così era la mia famiglia, avevamo della terra, un po’ di vacche, i castagneti e qualche bosco.
    E così era la mia famiglia, avevamo della terra, un podi vacche, i castagneti e qualche bosco.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. Except for a few days during the war I never suffered hunger.
    Except for a few days during the war I never suffered hunger.
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  2. Devo dire per la verità che tolti un po’ di giorni durante la guerra io non ho mai patito fame, ecco.
    Devo dire per la verità che tolti un podi giorni durante la guerra io non ho mai patito fame, ecco.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. I had a brother who died as a partisan at 19, towards the end of the war.
    I had a brother who died as a partisan at 19, towards the end of the war.
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  2. Avevo un fratello che poi morì partigiano a 19 anni, quasi alla fine della guerra.
    Avevo un fratello che poi morì partigiano a 19 anni, quasi alla fine della guerra.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. I also had an uncle, who didn’t live with us but in Cervarezza,
    I also had an uncle, who didnt live with us but in Cervarezza,
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  2. C’era un mio zio che era un fratello di mia mamma ma non viveva con noi, abitava a Cervarezza
    Cera un mio zio che era un fratello di mia mamma ma non viveva con noi, abitava a Cervarezza
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. who died as a partisan after being confined to the Tremiti Islands by the fascists.
    who died as a partisan after being confined to the Tremiti Islands by the fascists.
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  2. che poi è morto partigiano anche lui dopo essere stato all’isola di Tremiti confinato dal fascismo.
    che poi è morto partigiano anche lui dopo essere stato allisola di Tremiti confinato dal fascismo.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. On the other hand, my family was a traditional Christian and catholic family.
    On the other hand, my family was a traditional Christian and catholic family.
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  2. Invece la mia famiglia era d’origine cristiana, di origine cattolica.
    Invece la mia famiglia era dorigine cristiana, di origine cattolica.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. My father used to sing in church.
    My father used to sing in church.
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  2. Mio padre cantava in chiesa.
    Mio padre cantava in chiesa.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. I have never served at Mass, although they had asked me, because I didn’t like to dress up.
    I have never served at Mass, although they had asked me, because I didnt like to dress up.
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  2. Io non ho mai servito messa, anche se me l'hanno chiesto, perché non mi piaceva vestirmi... che mettevano delle vestine bianche e un po’ rosse insomma, e allora non ho mai accettato di fare il chierico insomma, ecco.
    Io non ho mai servito messa, anche se me l'hanno chiesto, perché non mi piaceva vestirmi... che mettevano delle vestine bianche e un porosse insomma, e allora non ho mai accettato di fare il chierico insomma, ecco.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. But we used to go to Mass, at least on Sundays.
    But we used to go to Mass, at least on Sundays.
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  2. Però andavamo a messa, quantomeno la domenica ecco, la dottrina dal prete e così via.
    Però andavamo a messa, quantomeno la domenica ecco, la dottrina dal prete e così via.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. We had an elementary school up to the third grade, then we had to go to Busana for the fifth grade, by foot of course.
    We had an elementary school up to the third grade, then we had to go to Busana for the fifth grade, by foot of course.
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  2. C’era una scuola elementare fino alla terza classe e poi si andava a Busana a fare la quinta, naturalmente a piedi,
    Cera una scuola elementare fino alla terza classe e poi si andava a Busana a fare la quinta, naturalmente a piedi,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. There was no water in the houses, only a small fountain in a chestnut grove everyone drew water from.
    There was no water in the houses, only a small fountain in a chestnut grove everyone drew water from.
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  2. non c’era l'acqua nelle case, ma c’era una piccola fontana in un castagneto dove tutto il paese attingeva acqua solo in quel tubo lì.
    non cera l'acqua nelle case, ma cera una piccola fontana in un castagneto dove tutto il paese attingeva acqua solo in quel tubo .
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. The school we attended was very crowded because there were many kids in the villages:
    The school we attended was very crowded because there were many kids in the villages:
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  2. La scuola che frequentavamo era molto affollata perché allora bambini ce n’erano tanti nei paesi,
    La scuola che frequentavamo era molto affollata perché allora bambini ce nerano tanti nei paesi,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. there were three classes together, and it was quite full.
    there were three classes together, and it was quite full.
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  2. e eravamo tre classi insieme e perciò c’era un affollamento notevole.
    e eravamo tre classi insieme e perciò cera un affollamento notevole.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. Naturally, our school had no toilet facilities, no running water and no electricity.
    Naturally, our school had no toilet facilities, no running water and no electricity.
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  2. Naturalmente scuola senza servizi igienici senza acqua e senza luce.
    Naturalmente scuola senza servizi igienici senza acqua e senza luce.
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  1. There was a portrait of Mussolini, one of the king, and a crucifix.
    There was a portrait of Mussolini, one of the king, and a crucifix.
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  2. C'era un ritratto di Mussolini, uno del re e un crocifisso.
    C'era un ritratto di Mussolini, uno del re e un crocifisso.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. Our teacher actually made the ink herself with some black powders in a flask.
    Our teacher actually made the ink herself with some black powders in a flask.
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  2. La maestra addirittura faceva lei l’inchiostro, faceva l’inchiostro con delle polveri nere in un fiasco e così abbiamo fatto fino alla terza elementare.
    La maestra addirittura faceva lei linchiostro, faceva linchiostro con delle polveri nere in un fiasco e così abbiamo fatto fino alla terza elementare.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. I was always happy to go to school: actually, I longed for school.
    I was always happy to go to school: actually, I longed for school.
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  2. Io sono sempre andato volentieri a scuola anzi, io ho patito voglia di scuola.
    Io sono sempre andato volentieri a scuola anzi, io ho patito voglia di scuola.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. My mother died when I was four and a half years old, my brother was almost six,
    My mother died when I was four and a half years old, my brother was almost six,
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  2. Mia mamma è morta che avevo 4 anni e mezzo, mio fratello aveva quasi 6 anni.
    Mia mamma è morta che avevo 4 anni e mezzo, mio fratello aveva quasi 6 anni.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. so I suffered from this loss, too.
    so I suffered from this loss, too.
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  2. E perciò ho sofferto anche quella mancanza lì.
    E perciò ho sofferto anche quella mancanza .
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. I don’t know about other kids, but each has his own grief.
    I dont know about other kids, but each has his own grief.
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  2. Vi dirò non so altri ragazzi a volte c'ho anche parlato però, ognuno tiene al suo dispiacere.
    Vi dirò non so altri ragazzi a volte c'ho anche parlato però, ognuno tiene al suo dispiacere.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. I sort of overcame this when my daughters were born,
    I sort of overcame this when my daughters were born,
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  2. Ho superato un po’ la cosa quando mi sono nate le bambine.
    Ho superato un pola cosa quando mi sono nate le bambine.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. but at times I still haven’t come through.
    but at times I still havent come through.
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  2. Ma a volte non l'ho superata neanche adesso.
    Ma a volte non l'ho superata neanche adesso.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. I still dream of this… Anyway.
    I still dream of thisAnyway.
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  2. Mi sogno ancora delle volte… e insomma.
    Mi sogno ancora delle voltee insomma.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. They took us to Busana as there was a radio there, and I remember that
    They took us to Busana as there was a radio there, and I remember that
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  2. Siccome a Busana c’era una radio, ci portarono a Busana e mi ricordo che
    Siccome a Busana cera una radio, ci portarono a Busana e mi ricordo che
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. we listened to Mussolini’s speech from Palazzo Venezia.
    we listened to Mussolinis speech from Palazzo Venezia.
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  2. ascoltammo il discorso del duce da Palazzo Venezia.
    ascoltammo il discorso del duce da Palazzo Venezia.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. Afterwards I saw it on TV over and over, that big head at the window, on that balcony in Palazzo Venezia…
    Afterwards I saw it on TV over and over, that big head at the window, on that balcony in Palazzo Venezia
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  2. Che poi l'ho rivisto mille volte alla televisione, quel testone alla finestra, al balconcino lassù, dal balcone a Palazzo Venezia...
    Che poi l'ho rivisto mille volte alla televisione, quel testone alla finestra,  al balconcino lassù, dal balcone a Palazzo Venezia...
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. and everybody clapping below.
    and everybody clapping below.
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  2. che poi c’era la gente che applaudiva sotto insomma.
    che poi cera la gente che applaudiva sotto insomma.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. I thought that the war had started. You didn’t contemplate things too much at that age.
    I thought that the war had started. You didnt contemplate things too much at that age.
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  2. E tu cosa pensasti? Eh, pensavo… pensavo che è scoppiata la guerra… non è che facevi molte considerazioni a quell'età lì ecco.
    E tu cosa pensasti? Eh, pensavopensavo che è scoppiata la guerranon è che facevi molte considerazioni a quell'età ecco.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. That was June 1940, I was thirteen and a half, so what can you be concerned about?
    That was June 1940, I was thirteen and a half, so what can you be concerned about?
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  2. Quanti anni avevi? Avevo, è successo nel giugno del '40, perciò avevo 13 anni e mezzo insomma, perciò che considerazione puoi fare?
    Quanti anni avevi? Avevo, è successo nel giugno del '40, perciò avevo 13 anni e mezzo insomma, perciò che considerazione puoi fare?
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. Having had that sort of education.
    Having had that sort of education.
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  2. Dopo aver avuto un’educazione di quel tipo lì.
    Dopo aver avuto uneducazione di quel tipo .
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  1. These guys broke into the local headquarters of the fascist party and threw everything out of the windows,
    These guys broke into the local headquarters of the fascist party and threw everything out of the windows,
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  2. Questi ragazzi andarono dentro la sede del fascio e buttarono giù tutto dalla finestra,
    Questi ragazzi andarono dentro la sede del fascio e buttarono giù tutto dalla finestra,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. including the portrait of Mussolini, which had been respected so much until then.
    including the portrait of Mussolini, which had been respected so much until then.
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  2. era al secondo piano e allora il quadro di Mussolini che allora c'era stato un rispetto fino ad allora
    era al secondo piano e allora il quadro di Mussolini che allora c'era stato un rispetto fino ad allora
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. Seeing these things in the dirt of the street,
    Seeing these things in the dirt of the street,
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  2. e vederli nella polvere nella strada, che allora le strade non erano asfaltate,
    e vederli nella polvere nella strada, che allora le strade non erano asfaltate,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. well that was the first turning point.
    well that was the first turning point.
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  2. e quella è stata la prima svolta ecco.
    e quella è stata la prima svolta ecco.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. Then there was this episode in La Bettola.
    Then there was this episode in La Bettola.
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  2. Avvenne questo fatto della Bettola,
    Avvenne questo fatto della Bettola,
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  1. It was a shocking event for our province.
    It was a shocking event for our province.
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  2. che fu una cosa traumatica per la nostra provincia insomma.
    che fu una cosa traumatica per la nostra provincia insomma.
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  1. They had killed many people before, even elderly people, but always adults.
    They had killed many people before, even elderly people, but always adults.
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  2. Perché lì avevano ucciso in gran parte delle persone, anche anziane, comunque adulte.
    Perché avevano ucciso in gran parte delle persone, anche anziane, comunque adulte.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. This time however they made fun of those who were dead, and also killed some children.
    This time however they made fun of those who were dead, and also killed some children.
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  2. Qui invece fecero scherno dei morti, e poi uccisero dei bambini insomma,
    Qui invece fecero scherno dei morti, e poi uccisero dei bambini insomma,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. Everybody started to become conscious that it was “time to get rid of them”.
    Everybody started to become conscious that it wastime to get rid of them”.
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  2. e allora era proprio nata la coscienza di dire: “Con questi qua bisogna farla finita”.
    e allora era proprio nata la coscienza di dire: “Con questi qua bisogna farla finita”.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. A really large group of people took up arms against them.
    A really large group of people took up arms against them.
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  2. E ci fu una bella leva che prese le armi.
    E ci fu una bella leva che prese le armi.
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  1. Massacre at Bettola, June 1944
    Massacre at Bettola, June 1944
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  2. Eccidio alla Bettola, giugno 1944
    Eccidio alla Bettola, giugno 1944
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  1. 1940 beginning of the war; 1943 Mussolini arrested
    1940 beginning of the war; 1943 Mussolini arrested
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler via a Batch Operation.
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  2. 1940 inizio della guerra, 1943 dopo l’arresto di Mussolini
    1940 inizio della guerra, 1943 dopo larresto di Mussolini
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. Introduction, family, school
    Introduction, family, school
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler via a Batch Operation.
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  2. Presentazione, familia, scuola
    Presentazione, familia, scuola
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. First partisan action; arms, deportations, fear
    First partisan action; arms, deportations, fear
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  2. Prima azione da partigiano; armi, deportazioni, paura
    Prima azione da partigiano; armi, deportazioni, paura
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  1. After all these actions the Germans couldn’t allow us to continue any longer.
    After all these actions the Germans couldnt allow us to continue any longer.
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  2. Dopo tutte queste azioni i tedeschi non potevano più sopportare, pensare di lasciarci fare insomma.
    Dopo tutte queste azioni i tedeschi non potevano più sopportare, pensare di lasciarci fare insomma.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. I guess at our headquarters they found out that there would be a mop-up.
    I guess at our headquarters they found out that there would be a mop-up.
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  2. E si vede che avevano una notizia al comando che ci sarebbe stato un rastrellamento, che poi è avvenuto.
    E si vede che avevano una notizia al comando che ci sarebbe stato un rastrellamento, che poi è avvenuto.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. Paterlini came to us saying “we must find something to blow up the bridge”, so that the trucks couldn’t get through.
    Paterlini came to us sayingwe must find something to blow up the bridge”, so that the trucks couldnt get through.
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  2. E allora venne Paterlini e dice: “Bisogna trovare degli arnesi e che buttiamo giù il ponte”, per evitare poi quando arrivavano i camion che passassero.
    E allora venne Paterlini e dice: “Bisogna trovare degli arnesi e che buttiamo giù il ponte”, per evitare poi quando arrivavano i camion che passassero.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. We went there with Carretti, a guy working for Edison, the local electric company:
    We went there with Carretti, a guy working for Edison, the local electric company:
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  2. E allora siamo andati lì con Carretti, c’era un dipendente dell'Edison che era la società elettrica lì,
    E allora siamo andati con Carretti, cera un dipendente dell'Edison che era la società elettrica ,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. they had a cave so they also had TNT, mines, gunpowder…
    they had a cave so they also had TNT, mines, gunpowder
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  2. che avevano una cava e perciò avevano anche il tritolo, le mine insomma, la polvere...
    che avevano una cava e perciò avevano anche il tritolo, le mine insomma, la polvere...
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. We prepared the holes and then blew up a large arch of a very big bridge in Cinque Cerri.
    We prepared the holes and then blew up a large arch of a very big bridge in Cinque Cerri.
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  2. e allora abbiamo fatto le buche e poi dopo abbiamo fatto saltare un’arcata grossa, un ponte che è grosso, quello di Cinque Cerri… un ponte grandissimo.
    e allora abbiamo fatto le buche e poi dopo abbiamo fatto saltare unarcata grossa, un ponte che è grosso, quello di Cinque Cerriun ponte grandissimo.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. Then we left for the mountains. From that day I was in battle.
    Then we left for the mountains. From that day I was in battle.
    changed via the API .
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  2. E poi siamo andati su e da quel giorno lì sono stato in battaglia, insomma.
    E poi siamo andati su e da quel giorno sono stato in battaglia, insomma.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. We went to the headquarters in Lama Golese, on the Cusna mountain.
    We went to the headquarters in Lama Golese, on the Cusna mountain.
    changed via the API .
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  2. Andiamo al comando a Lama Golese, Lama Golese che è sul Cusna.
    Andiamo al comando a Lama Golese, Lama Golese che è sul Cusna.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Pasquale Marconi was there, a teacher from Castelnovo Monti, who was a Christian Democrat, a catholic anyway.
    Pasquale Marconi was there, a teacher from Castelnovo Monti, who was a Christian Democrat,  a catholic anyway.
    changed via the API .
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  2. Lì c’era il comando, lì c’era Marconi Pasquale, un professore di Castelnovo Monti, democristiano, cattolico comunque, ecco;
    cera il comando, cera Marconi Pasquale, un professore di Castelnovo Monti, democristiano, cattolico comunque, ecco;
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. Then there were Eros, Miro, a Jewish doctor who was from Jugoslavia.
    Then there were Eros, Miro, a Jewish doctor who was from Jugoslavia.
    changed via the API .
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  2. poi c’era Eros, c’era Miro, c’era un medico ebreo che era slavo, mi dissero che era jugoslavo,
    poi cera Eros, cera Miro, cera un medico ebreo che era slavo, mi dissero che era jugoslavo,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. We spent a few days there.
    We spent a few days there.
    changed via the API .
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  2. e abbiamo fatto un po’ di giorni lì,
    e abbiamo fatto un podi giorni ,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. It was a sort of recruitment, but we didn’t have enough weapons;
    It was a sort of recruitment, but we didnt have enough weapons;
    changed via the API .
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  2. che era una specie di reclutamento, però le armi erano poche,
    che era una specie di reclutamento, però le armi erano poche,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. we were waiting for Allied air drops that didn’t take place,
    we were waiting for Allied air drops that didnt take place,
    changed via the API .
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  2. aspettavano dei lanci dal cielo degli alleati che non venivano,
    aspettavano dei lanci dal cielo degli alleati che non venivano,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. so they sent four of us back to Ligonchio.
    so they sent four of us back to Ligonchio.
    changed via the API .
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  2. e allora ci rimandarono a Ligonchio, in quattro.
    e allora ci rimandarono a Ligonchio, in quattro.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. We went to Ligonchio and there really was a crowd of partisans there.
    We went to Ligonchio and there really was a crowd of partisans there.
    changed via the API .
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  2. Siamo venuti a Ligonchio e lì c’era proprio un’infinità di partigiani,
    Siamo venuti a Ligonchio e cera proprio uninfinità di partigiani,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Unfortunately, not all of them were armed.
    Unfortunately, not all of them were armed.
    changed via the API .
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  2. e purtroppo non tutti armati
    e purtroppo non tutti armati
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. More partisans came, who wanted to fight, to enrol.
    More partisans came, who wanted to fight, to enrol.
    changed via the API .
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  2. perché proprio era più forte l'affluenza dei partigiani, dei giovani che volevano combattere, volevano essere reclutati,
    perché proprio era più forte l'affluenza dei partigiani, dei giovani che volevano combattere, volevano essere reclutati,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. More than weapons dropped from the sky or taken during attacks to the German garrisons.
    More than weapons dropped from the sky or taken during attacks to the German garrisons.
    changed via the API .
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  2. che la quantità di armi che venivano gettate dal cielo o prese dagli attacchi ai presidi tedeschi, ecco.
    che la quantità di armi che venivano gettate dal cielo o prese dagli attacchi ai presidi tedeschi, ecco.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. I was luckier than others, since I was given an English machine gun, a Sten gun, which was quite short.
    I was luckier than others, since I was given an English machine gun, a Sten gun, which was quite short.
    changed via the API .
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  2. Io fortunatamente... sono stato fortunato più di altri, mi diedero un mitra inglese, uno Sten. Un mitra non lungo.
    Io fortunatamente... sono stato fortunato più di altri, mi diedero un mitra inglese, uno Sten. Un mitra non lungo.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. You could disassemble it in three pieces and hide it, and put it together quickly.
    You could disassemble it in three pieces and hide it, and put it together quickly.
    changed via the API .
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  2. Però funzionava anche perché si poteva smontare in tre pezzi e nasconderlo che poi si faceva presto a rimontarlo e così via.
    Però funzionava anche perché si poteva smontare in tre pezzi e nasconderlo che poi si faceva presto a rimontarlo e così via.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. And I also had a 9 mm Beretta and four hand grenades.
    And I also had a 9 mm Beretta and four hand grenades.
    changed via the API .
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  2. E una rivoltella Beretta calibro 9 e quattro bombe a mano, ecco.
    E una rivoltella Beretta calibro 9 e quattro bombe a mano, ecco.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. I stayed there with the First Battalion
    I stayed there with the First Battalion
    changed via the API .
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  2. Dopo di che sono stato lì con il primo battaglione
    Dopo di che sono stato con il primo battaglione
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. and we used to go on road 63, where German garrisons were all over the place.
    and we used to go on road 63, where German garrisons were all over the place.
    changed via the API .
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  2. e si andava sulla Statale 63 e lì c’erano poi già tutti i presidi tedeschi...
    e si andava sulla Statale 63 e cerano poi già tutti i presidi tedeschi...
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. Not long after, around July, there was a great mop-up.
    Not long after, around July, there was a great mop-up.
    changed via the API .
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  2. e poi avviene, proprio dopo non molto, verso luglio, avviene il grande rastrellamento:
    e poi avviene, proprio dopo non molto, verso luglio, avviene il grande rastrellamento:
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. The Goering attacked, we fought back for a day and a half, two days.
    The Goering attacked, we fought back for a day and a half, two days.
    changed via the API .
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  2. ci fu l’attacco della Goering. Ci fu una resistenza per un paio di giorni, un giorno e mezzo, due giorni.
    ci fu lattacco della Goering. Ci fu una resistenza per un paio di giorni, un giorno e mezzo, due giorni.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. Then there was a disbandment,
    Then there was a disbandment,
    changed via the API .
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  2. E poi alla fine ci fu lo sbandamento
    E poi alla fine ci fu lo sbandamento
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. because it’s really hard to resist against an attack
    because its really hard to resist against an attack
    changed via the API .
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  2. perché una divisione tedesca anche abbastanza corazzata con autoblindo, artiglieria,
    perché una divisione tedesca anche abbastanza corazzata con autoblindo, artiglieria,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. from a German division with armoured vehicles, artillery, small airplanes, special forces.
    from a German division with armoured vehicles, artillery, small airplanes, special forces.
    changed via the API .
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  2. piccoli aerei, truppe specializzate, diventa difficile resistere a un attacco di questo genere.
    piccoli aerei, truppe specializzate, diventa difficile resistere a un attacco di questo genere.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. Maybe it wasn’t even right to fight back as we did,
    Maybe it wasnt even right to fight back as we did,
    changed via the API .
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  2. Poi forse ripensandoci adesso non era neanche giusto resistere a quella maniera lì,
    Poi forse ripensandoci adesso non era neanche giusto resistere a quella maniera ,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. since guerrilla means attacking and withdrawing, coming back and so on.
    since guerrilla means attacking and withdrawing, coming back and so on.
    changed via the API .
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  2. perché guerriglia voleva dire attaccarli, scappare, attaccarli e scappare e tornare insomma, ecco.
    perché guerriglia voleva dire attaccarli, scappare, attaccarli e scappare e tornare insomma, ecco.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. That time however it was decided to fight back jointly. We suffered many casualties in the end.
    That time however it was decided to fight back jointly. We suffered many casualties in the end.
    changed via the API .
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  2. Invece si era voluto quella volta lì, fare un fronte... e poi l’abbiamo anche pagata, perché ci furono molti morti, anche qualche disperso...
    Invece si era voluto quella volta , fare un fronte... e poi labbiamo anche pagata, perché ci furono molti morti, anche qualche disperso...
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. Then the Germans took away more than a thousand men:
    Then the Germans took away more than a thousand men:
    changed via the API .
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  2. poi portarono via più di mille uomini, i tedeschi,
    poi portarono via più di mille uomini, i tedeschi,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. all those who were able to work, and I think also a few women, were sent to Germany.
    all those who were able to work, and I think also a few women, were sent to Germany.
    changed via the API .
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  2. tutti quelli che catturavano che erano in condizione di potere lavorare, li portarono in Germania, e anche qualche... credo solo un paio di donne, ma un migliaio di uomini li hanno portati via.
    tutti quelli che catturavano che erano in condizione di potere lavorare, li portarono in Germania, e anche qualche... credo solo un paio di donne, ma un migliaio di uomini li hanno portati via.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. That time there was a complete disbandment.
    That time there was a complete disbandment.
    changed via the API .
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  2. Perciò lì, ci fu lo sbandamento, uno sbandamento completo.
    Perciò , ci fu lo sbandamento, uno sbandamento completo.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. After that, the Germans left,
    After that, the Germans left,
    changed via the API .
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  2. E dopo i tedeschi sono partiti,
    E dopo i tedeschi sono partiti,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. their division withdrew, but the garrisons on road 63 remained until the end of the war.
    their division withdrew, but the garrisons on road 63 remained until the end of the war.
    changed via the API .
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  2. però la divisione si è ritirata, ma i presidi sulla Statale 63 sono rimasti, come sempre, sono rimasti fino alla fine della guerra, ecco.
    però la divisione si è ritirata, ma i presidi sulla Statale 63 sono rimasti, come sempre, sono rimasti fino alla fine della guerra, ecco.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. We slowly recovered, difficultly,
    We slowly recovered, difficultly,
    changed via the API .
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  2. E dopo pianino pianino si sono ricomposte le fila, però a fatica,
    E dopo pianino pianino si sono ricomposte le fila, però a fatica,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. and I remember I stayed home around ten days because of this, helping my father,
    and I remember I stayed home around ten days because of this, helping my father,
    changed via the API .
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  2. che mi ricordo che sono stato a casa una decina di giorni, che ho aiutato anche mio padre a seminare il grano, proprio perché...
    che mi ricordo che sono stato a casa una decina di giorni, che ho aiutato anche mio padre a seminare il grano, proprio perché...
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. while my brother had gone away with Frigio, Bedeschi. They were faster in getting back together.
    while my brother had gone away with Frigio, Bedeschi. They were faster in getting back together.
    changed via the API .
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  2. Mio fratello invece era andato con Frigio, col Bedeschi e hanno fatto prima loro a rimettersi assieme.
    Mio fratello invece era andato con Frigio, col Bedeschi e hanno fatto prima loro a rimettersi assieme.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. Sure, there were moments we were afraid,
    Sure, there were moments we were afraid,
    changed via the API .
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  2. Paura, ci sono dei momenti che abbiamo avuto anche paura sì.
    Paura, ci sono dei momenti che abbiamo avuto anche paura .
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. but actually, it was more about being irresponsible than afraid.
    but actually, it was more about being irresponsible than afraid.
    changed via the API .
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  2. Però ti dirò che proprio una paura... ho avuto più incoscenza che altro.
    Però ti dirò che proprio una paura... ho avuto più incoscenza che altro.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. When I think about it now, I realize that we could have done so much more without that much efforts and dangers.
    When I think about it now, I realize that we could have done so much more without that much efforts and dangers.
    changed via the API .
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  2. Perché quando ci ripenso si potevan fare tante cose in più, con meno fatica e con meno pericolo.
    Perché quando ci ripenso si potevan fare tante cose in più, con meno fatica e con meno pericolo.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. I’ve been afraid one night because I had never heard this German machine gun shoot,
    Ive been afraid one night because I had never heard this German machine gun shoot,
    changed via the API .
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  2. Ho avuto paura una sera perché non avevo mai sentito sparare questa mitraglia tedesca,
    Ho avuto paura una sera perché non avevo mai sentito sparare questa mitraglia tedesca,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. they called it “raganella” (tree frog): it could shoot so fast, so many bullets.
    they called itraganella” (tree frog): it could shoot so fast, so many bullets.
    changed via the API .
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  2. la raganella la chiamavano, una mitraglia che sparava moltissimo, molti proiettili.
    la raganella la chiamavano, una mitraglia che sparava moltissimo, molti proiettili.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. That was really the only time my heart was pounding.
    That was really the only time my heart was pounding.
    changed via the API .
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  2. Proprio credo che sia l’unica sera che proprio sentivo il cuore che saltava.
    Proprio credo che sia lunica sera che proprio sentivo il cuore che saltava.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. Later I realized it was quite distant, but at the moment I thought it was there, a few steps away,
    Later I realized it was quite distant, but at the moment I thought it was there, a few steps away,
    changed via the API .
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  2. Perché dopo ho capito che era lontana, però mi sembrava lì, a pochi passi insomma,
    Perché dopo ho capito che era lontana, però mi sembrava , a pochi passi insomma,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. this nasty sound in the silence of the night.
    this nasty sound in the silence of the night.
    changed via the API .
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  2. no, proprio questo rumore cattivo di notte, nel silenzio.
    no, proprio questo rumore cattivo di notte, nel silenzio.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. I felt fear that night, at least for a short time.
    I felt fear that night, at least for a short time.
    changed via the API .
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  2. E quella sera lì ho avuto un po’ paura, per un po’ insomma.
    E quella sera ho avuto un popaura, per un poinsomma.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. Attempt to arrest a German marshall
    Attempt to arrest a German marshall
    changed via the API .
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  2. Tentato arresto del maresciallo tedesco
    Tentato arresto del maresciallo tedesco
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. One night we went to Acqua Bona with Carretti
    One night we went to Acqua Bona with Carretti
    changed via the API .
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  2. Una sera siamo andati ad Acquabona con Carretti,
    Una sera siamo andati ad Acquabona con Carretti,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. and many partisans because we had to apprehend a German marshal
    and many partisans because we had to apprehend a German marshal
    changed via the API .
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  2. con molti partigiani perché si doveva prendere un maresciallo tedesco
    con molti partigiani perché si doveva prendere un maresciallo tedesco
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. who was taking milk away from the farmers, sending it out to the headquarters in Busana.
    who was taking milk away from the farmers, sending it out to the headquarters in Busana.
    changed via the API .
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  2. perché portava via al mattino... faceva portare via il latte dei contadini e lo mandava al comando a Busana, alla colonia.
    perché portava via al mattino... faceva portare via il latte dei contadini e lo mandava al comando a Busana, alla colonia.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. The villages were full of people, the inhabitants had asked us to go take him.
    The villages were full of people, the inhabitants had asked us to go take him.
    changed via the API .
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  2. E i paesi erano pieno di gente, insomma, e allora i paesani ci avevano fatto sapere insomma che era bene che lo prendessimo.
    E i paesi erano pieno di gente, insomma, e allora i paesani ci avevano fatto sapere insomma che era bene che lo prendessimo.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Caretti ordered us to wrap up our shoes with some bags in order not to make noise,
    Caretti ordered us to wrap up our shoes with some bags in order not to make noise,
    changed via the API .
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  2. E allora siamo andati là una sera che Carretti c’aveva fatto fasciare i piedi con dei sacchi per non fare rumore
    E allora siamo andati una sera che Carretti caveva fatto fasciare i piedi con dei sacchi per non fare rumore
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. but it didn’t work because the villages were full of shepherds and they had dogs.
    but it didnt work because the villages were full of shepherds and they had dogs.
    changed via the API .
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  2. e poi non sono serviti a niente perché c’erano tanti pastori nei paesi e avevano i cani.
    e poi non sono serviti a niente perché cerano tanti pastori nei paesi e avevano i cani.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. The dogs heard us and started barking.
    The dogs heard us and started barking.
    changed via the API .
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  2. I cani si sono accorti che c'eravamo, insomma, anche se non si faceva un gran rumore, insomma e si sono messi a abbaiare.
    I cani si sono accorti che c'eravamo, insomma, anche se non si faceva un gran rumore, insomma e si sono messi a abbaiare.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. At that point the marshal came out with a soldier to see what was going on,
    At that point the marshal came out with a soldier to see what was going on,
    changed via the API .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Allora questo maresciallo è uscito con un saldato per vedere un po’ cosa stava succedendo
    Allora questo maresciallo è uscito con un saldato per vedere un pocosa stava succedendo
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. why the dogs were still barking.
    why the dogs were still barking.
    changed via the API .
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  2. visto l'insistenza dei cani.
    visto l'insistenza dei cani.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. We had put some mines on the road,
    We had put some mines on the road,
    changed via the API .
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  2. Noi però avevamo messo delle mine nella strada,
    Noi però avevamo messo delle mine nella strada,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. so that if we had to fight, the soldiers who came down from Nismozza would walk into the mines.
    so that if we had to fight, the soldiers who came down from Nismozza would walk into the mines.
    changed via the API .
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  2. proprio perché abbiamo detto: se viene uno scontro per evitare che i soldati di Nismozza scendessero giù e... andavano sulle mine.
    proprio perché abbiamo detto: se viene uno scontro per evitare che i soldati di Nismozza scendessero giù e... andavano sulle mine.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. While the marshal was walking around to see what was happening, we solved the problem: he blew up on a mine.
    While the marshal was walking around to see what was happening, we solved the problem: he blew up on a mine.
    changed via the API .
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  2. Allora lui mentre passeggiava nella strada per vedere un po’ che cosa stava succedendo, abbiamo risolto il problema... che è saltato per aria.
    Allora lui mentre passeggiava nella strada per vedere un poche cosa stava succedendo, abbiamo risolto il problema... che è saltato per aria.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. We were supposed to take him alive, but we got him dead, the marshal and the soldier as well.
    We were supposed to take him alive, but we got him dead, the marshal and the soldier as well.
    changed via the API .
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  2. Se si doveva prendere vivo così l’hanno preso morto ed è saltato lui ed è saltato anche il soldato.
    Se si doveva prendere vivo così lhanno preso morto ed è saltato lui ed è saltato anche il soldato.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Then we had to back off of course.
    Then we had to back off of course.
    changed via the API .
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  2. E allora ci siamo dovuti ovviamente ritirare ecco.
    E allora ci siamo dovuti ovviamente ritirare ecco.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Well, did I kill somebody…
    Well, did I kill somebody
    changed via the API .
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  2. Mah ucciso...
    Mah ucciso...
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. Killing people; spies; arresting a German soldier
    Killing people; spies; arresting a German soldier
    changed via the API .
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  2. Uccidere; trattamento spie; prigionieri
    Uccidere; trattamento spie; prigionieri
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. We did shoot, but then knowing if we killed them for sure is another story.
    We did shoot, but then knowing if we killed them for sure is another story.
    changed via the API .
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  2. sparato si è sparato, adesso sapere con precisione se li hai ammazzati...
    sparato si è sparato, adesso sapere con precisione se li hai ammazzati...
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. That night, three Germans were shot dead.
    That night, three Germans were shot dead.
    changed via the API .
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  2. lì ne sono morti tre, quella sera lì, di tedeschi.
    ne sono morti tre, quella sera , di tedeschi.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. They were buried in the colony of Busana.
    They were buried in the colony of Busana.
    changed via the API .
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  2. Che poi erano sepolti lì alla colonia di Busana.
    Che poi erano sepolti alla colonia di Busana.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. I can tell you that if I had killed a man while he was looking at me,
    I can tell you that if I had killed a man while he was looking at me,
    changed via the API .
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  2. Io ti dirò che se avessi ammazzato una persona quando mi guardava,
    Io ti dirò che se avessi ammazzato una persona quando mi guardava,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. I would be sorry even now,
    I would be sorry even now,
    changed via the API .
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  2. sarei pentito anche adesso,
    sarei pentito anche adesso,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. as killing somebody is never a nice thing.
    as killing somebody is never a nice thing.
    changed via the API .
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  2. perché ammazzare è sempre un lavoro mica bello.
    perché ammazzare è sempre un lavoro mica bello.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. However, I’ve always thought that when somebody deserves it, when someone has done some bad deeds...
    However, Ive always thought that when somebody deserves it, when someone has done some bad deeds...
    changed via the API .
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  2. Però sono sempre stato di questa idea io: quando uno lo merita, che ha fatto del male e...
    Però sono sempre stato di questa idea io: quando uno lo merita, che ha fatto del male e...
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. Personally, I’m against torture, even if it’s necessary to obtain information.
    Personally, Im against torture, even if its necessary to obtain information.
    changed via the API .
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  2. sono contro le torture io, proprio, anche per avere notizie...
    sono contro le torture io, proprio, anche per avere notizie...
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. sono contro le torture io, proprio, anche per avere notizie...
    sono contro le torture io, proprio, anche per avere notizie...
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  2. sono contro le torture io, proprio, anche per avere notizie... è proprio una cosa che mi ripugna,
    sono contro le torture io, proprio, anche per avere notizie... è proprio una cosa che mi ripugna,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. But when someone has done some bad deeds, well, we must get rid of him.
    But when someone has done some bad deeds, well, we must get rid of him.
    changed via the API .
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  2. ma quando uno ha fatto del male insomma bisogna tirarlo via, insomma.
    ma quando uno ha fatto del male insomma bisogna tirarlo via, insomma.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. As for spies, I never really thought anything.
    As for spies, I never really thought anything.
    changed via the API .
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  2. Alle spie, secondo me, pensavo... non ho mai pensato niente.
    Alle spie, secondo me, pensavo... non ho mai pensato niente.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. I simply thought that they had to be spotted and killed.
    I simply thought that they had to be spotted and killed.
    changed via the API .
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  2. Ho pensato che andavano solo uccise, individuate e uccise, insomma, ecco.
    Ho pensato che andavano solo uccise, individuate e uccise, insomma, ecco.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. It was also important to set apart those in good faith from those who were not.
    It was also important to set apart those in good faith from those who were not.
    changed via the API .
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  2. Poi sapere distinguere anche dalla gente in buona fede che finisce lì, a della gente invece che è in malafede.
    Poi sapere distinguere anche dalla gente in buona fede che finisce , a della gente invece che è in malafede.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. If this woman took some money from the Germans to get our comrades killed,
    If this woman took some money from the Germans to get our comrades killed,
    changed via the API .
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  2. Perché questa qui se prendeva dei soldi dai tedeschi per fare ammazzare i nostri,
    Perché questa qui se prendeva dei soldi dai tedeschi per fare ammazzare i nostri,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. it meant that there was really not too much good faith there.
    it meant that there was really not too much good faith there.
    changed via the API .
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  2. vuole dire che della buona fede lì non è che ce ne fosse tanta, insomma.
    vuole dire che della buona fede non è che ce ne fosse tanta, insomma.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. They didn’t really have the fascist dogma, working for the regime.
    They didnt really have the fascist dogma, working for the regime.
    changed via the API .
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  2. Non è che avessero il credo fascista “servo il fascismo”, insomma.
    Non è che avessero il credo fascistaservo il fascismo”, insomma.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. If he’s a fascist to hurt people and is also paid for it, then it’s a double offence.
    If hes a fascist to hurt people and is also paid for it, then its a double offence.
    changed via the API .
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  2. Se lui fa il fascismo per fare del male ed è anche pagato, è un delitto due volte.
    Se lui fa il fascismo per fare del male ed è anche pagato, è un delitto due volte.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. There was this trail heading up, which turned around a bush.
    There was this trail heading up, which turned around a bush.
    changed via the API .
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  2. Questo sentiero che portava su, girava intorno a un cespuglio, proprio così.
    Questo sentiero che portava su, girava intorno a un cespuglio, proprio così.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. I see a German walking down with a Tak-Poum (german mashine gun) on his shoulder.
    I see a German walking down with a Tak-Poum (german mashine gun) on his shoulder.
    changed via the API .
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  2. E a un certo momento vedo un tedesco che viene giù con un "tak-pum" (mitra tedesca) in spalla,
    E a un certo momento vedo un tedesco che viene giù con un "tak-pum" (mitra tedesca) in spalla,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. I had my machine gun and I pointed it at him,
    I had my machine gun and I pointed it at him,
    changed via the API .
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  2. allora io avevo il mitra lì, lo punto,
    allora io avevo il mitra , lo punto,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. so after a couple of steps (the bush wasn’t really very big) he got there and raised his hands.
    so after a couple of steps (the bush wasnt really very big) he got there and raised his hands.
    changed via the API .
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  2. e infatti lui dopo due passi – il cespuglio non era grande grande – arriva lì e alza le mani,
    e infatti lui dopo due passiil cespuglio non era grande grandearriva e alza le mani,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. I took his rifle and he didn’t want to give me his shotgun:
    I took his rifle and he didnt want to give me his shotgun:
    changed via the API .
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  2. alza le mani e io prendo il fucile e poi non mi voleva dare la rivoltella.
    alza le mani e io prendo il fucile e poi non mi voleva dare la rivoltella.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. I could have left it to him, keeping him in front of me, but it’s always better to be careful.
    I could have left it to him, keeping him in front of me, but its always better to be careful.
    changed via the API .
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  2. Potevo anche lasciargliela, lasciarlo davanti, però è sempre meglio essere prudenti.
    Potevo anche lasciargliela, lasciarlo davanti, però è sempre meglio essere prudenti.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. I took the gun and I brought him home.
    I took the gun and I brought him home.
    changed via the API .
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  2. Allora ce l’ho preso e l'ho portato a casa mia.
    Allora ce lho preso e l'ho portato a casa mia.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. I guess the Germans were really longing for some milk.
    I guess the Germans were really longing for some milk.
    changed via the API .
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  2. Si vede che avevano una gran voglia di latte, i tedeschi,
    Si vede che avevano una gran voglia di latte, i tedeschi,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. My father used to make cheese at home, that type of cheese which is sought-after today while we hated it then because
    My father used to make cheese at home, that type of cheese which is sought-after today while we hated it then because
    changed via the API .
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  2. perché mio padre faceva un formaggio in casa, quelle formaggine che adesso sono cercate e allora noi le odiavamo
    perché mio padre faceva un formaggio in casa, quelle formaggine che adesso sono cercate e allora noi le odiavamo
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. we had it all the time
    we had it all the time
    changed via the API .
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  2. perché mangiavamo sempre quelle.
    perché mangiavamo sempre quelle.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. and he drank a whole pot of milk.
    and he drank a whole pot of milk.
    changed via the API .
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  2. E ha bevuto un tegame di latte,
    E ha bevuto un tegame di latte,
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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  1. The pot was on the table in order to make cheese, and he drank it all.
    The pot was on the table in order to make cheese, and he drank it all.
    changed via the API .
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  2. era sul tavolo proprio per preparare il formaggio. Ha bevuto un tegame di latte.
    era sul tavolo proprio per preparare il formaggio. Ha bevuto un tegame di latte.
    changed by Steffen Kreuseler .
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18 Nov from 10:12am to 12:56pm