WebTranslateIt Software SL/WebTranslateIt
EuroLargeCarnivores is teaching the world how large carnivores and humans can coexist peacefully
EuroLargeCarnivores is teaching the world how large carnivores and humans can coexist peacefully
EuroLargeCarnivores enseigne au monde comment les humains et les grands carnivores peuvent coexister pacifiquement -
With a five year timeframe our budget for external assistance is limited, and we rather want to use this for on site activities, rather than for overhead, so WTI really came in handy. Also, the website content keeps evolving and WTI helps us to easily manage our team of volunteer translators and guarantee continuous translation.
With a five year timeframe our budget for external assistance is limited, and we rather want to use this for on site activities, rather than for overhead, so WTI really came in handy. Also, the website content keeps evolving and WTI helps us to easily manage our team of volunteer translators and guarantee continuous translation.
Avec un délai de cinq ans, notre budget pour les outils externes est limité, nous préférons l'utiliser sur le terrain plutôt que pour les frais généraux et WTI s'est avéré très utile. De plus, le contenu du site Web ne cesse d'évoluer et WTI nous aide à gérer facilement notre équipe de traducteurs bénévoles et à garantir une traduction continue. -
The CMS (Pimcore) we use is directly pulling the translations from WTI - hence we now have the flexibility to finalise translations with different timelines for every partner, as it resonates with their time budget. It also helps work with volunteers who help us out for the languages in which do only have automatic translations at the moment.
The CMS (Pimcore) we use is directly pulling the translations from WTI - hence we now have the flexibility to finalise translations with different timelines for every partner, as it resonates with their time budget. It also helps work with volunteers who help us out for the languages in which do only have automatic translations at the moment.
Le CMS (Pimcore) que nous utilisons extrait directement les traductions de WTI - nous avons donc désormais la possibilité de finaliser les traductions avec des délais différents pour chaque partenaire, car cela correspond à leur budget temps. De plus cela nous permet de travailler avec les bénévoles nous aidant dans les langues pour lesquelles nous n'avons que des traductions automatiques pour le moment. -
Raffael Hickisch from EuroLargeCarnivores
Raffael Hickisch from EuroLargeCarnivores
Raffael Hickisch du projet EuroLargeCarnivores -
Diagnose.me is now reaching out to thousands of frustrated patients
Diagnose.me is now reaching out to thousands of frustrated patients
Des milliers de patients frustrés peuvent maintenant faire appel à Diagnose.me -
We chose WTI because it had all the features we were looking for. We did quite an extensive search because we are quite a small team and needed to get it right the first time. Specifically, we were looking for an easily extensible localization tool as we are growing fast. Also integration had to be simple.
We chose WTI because it had all the features we were looking for. We did quite an extensive search because we are quite a small team and needed to get it right the first time. Specifically, we were looking for an easily extensible localization tool as we are growing fast. Also integration had to be simple.
Nous avons choisi WTI car le site a toutes les fonctionnalités que nous recherchions. Nous avons fait une recherche assez approfondie parce que nous sommes une petite équipe et nous ne voulions pas nous tromper. Plus précisément, nous recherchions un outil de localisation s'adaptant facilement à nos besoins car nous nous développons rapidement. De plus, l'intégration devait être simple. -
Our crucial features were web interface and easy workflow for our translators. They needed to be able to very quickly find which segments are new and need to be translated and which segments have changed in the source language and need to be verified.
Our crucial features were web interface and easy workflow for our translators. They needed to be able to very quickly find which segments are new and need to be translated and which segments have changed in the source language and need to be verified.
Il nous fallait absolument une interface Web et une prise en main aisée par nos traducteurs. Ils devaient être en mesure de trouver très rapidement quels segments sont nouveaux et doivent être traduits et quels segments ont changé dans la langue source et doivent être vérifiés. -
Miro Skovajsa from Diagnose.me
Miro Skovajsa from Diagnose.me
Miro Skovajsa de Diagnose.me -
Jeremy Irish from GeoCaching
Jeremy Irish from GeoCaching
Jeremy Irish de GeoCaching -
Mihar Rebernik from TimeWiki
Mihar Rebernik from TimeWiki
Mihar Rebernik de TimeWiki -
Dian Rosanti from Flipboard
Dian Rosanti from Flipboard
Dian Rosanti de Flipboard -
Kristian Hellquist from MyNewsDesk
Kristian Hellquist from MyNewsDesk
Kristian Hellquist de MyNewsDesk -
We support over 40 different file formats and all the major frameworks and platforms. So if you use ruby, python, iOS, Android, C++, Java, node, react, i18next, ... you’re covered. We are also adapting to evolving technologies and regularly implementing new file formats.
We support over 40 different file formats and all the major frameworks and platforms. So if you use ruby, python, iOS, Android, C++, Java, node, react, i18next, ... you’re covered. We are also adapting to evolving technologies and regularly implementing new file formats.
Nous prenons en charge plus de 40 formats de fichiers différents ainsi que les frameworks et plate-formes les plus utilisés. Donc si vous utilisez ruby, python, iOS, Android, C++, Java, node, react, i18next, ... vous êtes couverts. Nous évoluons avec les dernières technologies et implémentons régulièrement de nouveaux formats de fichiers. -
Carbon Neutral, Made and Hosted in the European Union
Carbon Neutral, Made and Hosted in the European Union
Notre neutralité carbone - Made In Europe -
WebTranslateIt is a carbon-neutral translation platform
WebTranslateIt is a carbon-neutral translation platform
WebTranslateIt, plateforme de traduction zéro carbone. -
Annuel -
per month billed annually
per month billed annually
par mois payé annuellement -
Management Tools
Management Tools
Outils de management -
Discover our management tools
Discover our management tools
Découvrez nos outils de gestion -
Tools tailor-made to manage a software translation project
Tools tailor-made to manage a software translation project
Des outils sur mesure pour gérer un projet de traduction numérique