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‘%{term}’ at WordReference.com
‘%{term}’ at WordReference.com
‘%{term}’ sur WordReference.com -
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Dans toutes les langues -
%{source_locale} to %{target_locale}
%{source_locale} to %{target_locale}
%{source_locale} vers %{target_locale} -
Terminology Database
Terminology Database
Base Terminologique -
Description -
Part of speech
Part of speech
Nature du mot -
Grammatical category of the word: noun, verb, n., v…
Grammatical category of the word: noun, verb, n., v…
Nature grammaticale du mot : nom, verbe, n., v… -
Terme -
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Term Details
Term Details
Détails du terme -
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Suggérer une traduction -
One term needing vote or translation %{count} terms needing vote or translation oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1One term needing vote or translation
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else%{count} terms needing vote or translation
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: n in 0..1Un terme nécessitant un vote ou une traduction
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else%{count} termes nécessitant un vote ou une traduction
Show all terms
Show all terms
Montrer tous les termes -
We will permanently remove all files, segments, translations, history, discussions and terms.
We will permanently remove all files, segments, translations, history, discussions and terms.
Nous allons supprimer de manière permanente tous les fichiers, segments, traductions, historique, discussions et termes. -
We will permanently delete %{projects_count} projects and their data.
We will permanently delete %{projects_count} projects and their data.
Nous allons supprimer définitivement %{projects_count} projets et leurs données.
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