The WebTranslateIt Blog · Page 30

i18n news and Product Updates about WebTranslateIt · Page 30

Update to the Stats API endpoint

By Edouard on 11 mai 2012

I just released an update to the Stats API endpoint.

This endpoint —which lets you gather statistics about a project— now takes optional parameters, such as:

  • file: the File ID you want to filter by,

  • date_range: The amount of time since the strings were added. Accepts a string such as, 27.days.ago, 3.months.ago, 2.years.ago.

  • category: The category ID to filter by.

  • label: The label ID to filter by.

  • s: The search to filter by.

Using these new parameters, you can now access very detailed project stats.

I hope you will find this improvement useful. Thank you for using WebTranslateIt.

web_translate_it rubygem v2.0.0 released

By Edouard on 24 avril 2012

I just released a new version of the web_translate_it gem, the open-source synchronization tool for Web Translate It.

This version 2.0.0 is a major new version. It includes many improvements and bug fixes.

Improvements to the String, Translation, Term and TermTranslation libraries

The String, Translation, Term and TermTranslation libraries you can use to manipulate segments and TermBase terms from a ruby script have been rewritten. The new ruby API is much easier to use. Here’s an example showing how easy it is to use and what it can do.

Other Improvements

  • wti add can now lets you know if there are no new files to be added. A bug happening with version of ruby < 1.9 was fixed.

  • wti addlocale now lets you create a master locale if none is setup on your project.

  • wti init is more helpful for beginners

Install or Upgrade

Important: This major upgrade contains breaking changes if you used the String and Translation ruby libraries or the Term and TermTranslation ruby libraries somewhere in your app. Changes are straightforward and should definitely improve the code. web_translate_it 2.0 doesn’t contain any other breaking changes.

To install web_translate_it, please refer to the gem documentation.

To upgrade web_translate_it to its latest version, type in a terminal: gem install web_translate_it.

New preference for segment sorting

By Edouard on 12 avril 2012

Segment sorting in linguistic files is a matter of taste. I rather have them sorted alphabetically, so I can quickly find a segment when adding copy for a feature (I add new segments in my text editor, test the copy locally and then push them to WebTranslateIt).

Others prefer to have their linguistic files left in the same order they uploaded their original master file. The reason is that changing the segment’s order creates massive changes in a SCM.

So, a new preference is now available in your project settings. This setting lets you choose whether or not you want WebTranslateIt to sort your segments by alphabetical order.

Changing this setting recompiles all your linguistic files, so it can take up to a few before your files are sorted the way you want.

Flag strings as obsolete or to verify

By Edouard on 12 avril 2012

One very useful feature in WebTranslateIt is that updating the source text of a segment automatically flag its related translations as to verify.

I find this feature really useful, because if you slightly change the sense of a phrase, chances are that the translations need to reviewed by a translator to be slightly changed or completely reworked.

Another useful feature is that uploading a new version of a file which removed some segments flag the missing segments as obsolete. This is equivalent of moving segments to the trash, although these translations are still available for the translation memory.

Until now, it wasn’t possible to manually flag a translation as to verify or manually flag a segment as obsolete. These statuses were automatically set by the system.

It is now possible to do so from the web interface.

When you click on the options button (the cog next to each segment), two new options are available: Obsolete segment and Flag translation as to verify.

Do you have a string you plan to remove? Flag it as obsolete. Is a translation too long or seem to have a typo? Flag it as to verify and leave a comment to let your translators check it again.

I hope you will find this feature useful. Thank you for using WebTranslateIt.