The WebTranslateIt Blog · Page 31

i18n news and Product Updates about WebTranslateIt · Page 31

web_translate_it rubygem v1.10.1 released

By Edouard on 10 avril 2012

I just released a new version of the web_translate_it gem, the open-source synchronization tool for Web Translate It.

This version 1.10.1 introduces a few bug fixes and improvements.


  • wti now prevents existing master files from being added again with wti add. This allows to run a command like: ls *.xml | grep -v "\.en" | xargs wti add without worrying about adding files a second time.

  • The wti command now has its own wti process name.

Bug fixes

  • Prevents wti status from crashing.

  • Better error messages.

Install or Upgrade

To install web_translate_it, please refer to the gem documentation.

To upgrade web_translate_it to its latest version, type in a terminal: gem install web_translate_it.

Improvements to the search results

By Edouard on 27 mars 2012

I just released a huge improvement to the search results in WebTranslateIt’s translation interface.

Search results now display detailed stats, including the number of strings and words per status (proofread, unproofread, untranslated, to verify, …).

You can also filter search results by status, date, file, category and labels, so you can search for segments containing “user” that belong to a specific file and category for instance.

And finally, you can now run batch operations on filtered search results.

I hope you will find these improvements useful. Thank you for choosing WebTranslateIt.

New in WebTranslateIt: Multiple master languages

By Edouard on 20 mars 2012

I just added the ability to setup more than one master language in WebTranslateIt.

Under the Language & Stats tab, when you edit a locale you will find a new option that lets you flag a language as “Important”.

It does exactly what it says on the tin: editing a segment’s translation in an important language flags the segment’s translations in other languages as “to verify”.

I hope your will find this feature useful. Thank you for using WebTranslateIt.

Introducing Discussions: stacked conversations with smart notifications

By Edouard on 9 mars 2012

I released today a major update to WebTranslateIt’s commenting system.

Introducing Discussions

Discussions is a major improvement to the commenting system released about 3 years ago. Discussions are stacked conversations with smart notifications.

Stacked Conversations

Conversations are now stacked. It’s easier to read and understand. Next to each person’s name, the user’s role is also displayed, so you know exactly what the person is talking about.

Smart Notifications

You can choose exactly who will be notified about your comment. Select each team member individually, or select a whole team. Click on “everyone” to select everyone at once, or on a team name to select everyone in the team.

If you’re not interested in a discussion you were notified about, you can disable notifications for that discussion. The opposite is also possible: You can add yourself to the list of recipients if you’d like to follow a topic.

Comment in your language

Many translators post comments regarding the translation of a segment in a specific language. I improved and made this feature clearer by separating general discussions on a segment from discussions on a translation.

Better Discussions Dashboard

The discussion Dashboard was also updated.

It’s clearer, loads faster and an indicator clearly shows the status of the discussions (read, unread, notified, …).

I hope you will find this update useful. I have been working on this update since more than 6 months. I’m really stoked to finally be releasing it. Thank you for choosing WebTranslateIt.

New in WebTranslateIt: Flag a bunch of changes as minor

By Edouard on 1 mars 2012

You probably know that updating the source text of a segment automatically flags its related translations as “to verify”.

This is a great feature, because if you slightly change the sense of a phrase, chances are that the translations need to be slightly changed and reviewed by a translator, too.

But if you’re only fixing a typo or making a minor change you probably don’t want the related translations to be reviewed.

On the web interface, you can simply flag a single change as “minor change” when editing the source text from the web interface, but until today it wasn’t possible to do so with a batch of strings pushed via the API.

I just released an update to WebTranslateIt’s File API, Translation API, the File Manager and wti, the open-source synchronization tool.

File API

On the File API, the Update File endpoint gets a new optional parameter: minor_changes.

Setting minor_changes to true flags the string changes as minor changes, and target translations won’t be flagged as “to verify”.

Translation API

On the Create Translation endpoint, a new optional minor_change attribute lets you choose whether a change in the source translation should flag its translations as “to verify”.

Web Interface

On the web interface, the File Manager lets you set that option, too.

wti tool

Finally, I released a new version of the web_translate_it gem, the open-source synchronization tool for WebTranslateIt.

The latest version 1.9.6 has a new --minor option you can use with wti push. In order to upload minor changes you can now do: wti push --minor.

Install or Upgrade

To install web_translate_it, please refer to the gem documentation.

To upgrade web_translate_it to its latest version, type in a terminal: gem install web_translate_it.

I hope you will find this improvement useful. Thank you for using WebTranslateIt.