The WebTranslateIt Blog

i18n news and Product Updates about WebTranslateIt

web_translate_it rubygem v2.0.6 released

By Edouard on March 13, 2013

I released a new version of the web_translate_it gem, the open-source synchronization tool for Web Translate It.

This new version lets you pass a file path to the wti push command, so you can now do: wti push path/to/file.

This version also removes a dependency on the JSON library, so it should now be possible to web_translate_it without building tools installed.

Install or Upgrade

To install web_translate_it, please refer to the gem documentation.

To upgrade web_translate_it to its latest version, type in a terminal: gem install web_translate_it.

Counting characters in WebTranslateIt

By Edouard on February 13, 2013

You can now count how many characters contains a project in WebTranslateIt. This is useful for billing translators, as in some languages pairs rates can be calculated by the amount of characters to translate (instead of the amount of words to translate).

The Detailed Stats page has been updated to display this new information.

Character count on the detailed stats page

As usual, you can find this information directly in the translation interface by hovering the stats with your mouse, as explained in this tip.

Hover stats in the translation interface to reveal quick stats

Export your projects as a TMX file

By Edouard on February 11, 2013

Last August I added the ability to download a whole project content as a CSV file that you can open with any spreadsheet tool.

Getting your data out of WebTranslateIt is a important as getting it in, so you can now download your project as a TMX file.

TMX (Translation Memory Exchange) is a standard to share translation memories between tools. So you can now re-use your translations from WebTranslateIt to use them in another tool’s Translation Memory.

This feature is located in your project settings, under “Download & Goodies”.

Multilingual batch operations

By Edouard on February 11, 2013

I improved the Batch Operation feature today. You can now run a multilingual batch operation.

Multilingual batch operations are great if you need to run the same operation for all the languages of your project. For instance you could want to proofread all the translations of your project in all languages.

Before this update you had to run a separate batch operation for each language. You can now do this in just one click.

New in WebTranslateIt: Paste your files

By Edouard on February 7, 2013

You can now create or update master files from the web interface by pasting its content in the File Manager.

You will find a new Clipboard button which lets you do that.

This feature is useful if you want to create a file directly from WebTranslateIt instead of creating it on your computer and then uploading it to WebTranslateIt.