The WebTranslateIt Blog

i18n news and Product Updates about WebTranslateIt

New in WebTranslateIt: Disaster Recovery

By Edouard on November 1, 2012

As WebTranslateit grows, emergency support e-mails asking “I deleted a file and all of its translations. What can I do?” become more frequent.

When this happens, I can always recover your deleted language files in a matter of minutes. I store every customer’s language files in a huge git repository, updated every five minutes, which is backed up on a secondary server.

But while this solution is efficient, it isn’t elegant. First, you’d loose all your discussions, translation history and statuses, and you need me to do it. And it would go faster if you recover your data by yourself, wouldn’t it?.

Introducing Disaster Recovery

Disaster Recovery is a new feature in WebTranslateIt. When you delete a project, a file, a language or a segment, it will act as if it was deleted. But in fact, we keep all the things you deleted around for 3 months. After 3 months, you probably won’t ever need this data and we delete it forever.

This feature comes for free: deleted resources don’t count against your segment limit, so you can keep the same plan and enjoy this additional safety net.

What’s best is that you can recover your deleted things by yourself, and it’s super easy to do so.

Recovering Projects

Let’s assume you deleted a project by mistake. Head over to your organization page. On the “Projects” tab, you’ll be greeted with this message.

Click on the message to view the deleted projects, and recovering them by clicking on “Recover”. That’s it!

Recovering Files, Languages and Segments

It’s just as easy to recover files, languages or segments. If you deleted something you shouldn’t have, head over to your project settings. There, click on the new “Recover Deleted Data” tab.

You can filter your deleted data by kind: files, languages or segments. When you’re ready to recover something, click on the “Recover” button and… that’s it!

I hope you will find this new feature useful. Thank you for choosing WebTranslateIt!

Removed Bing Translate v1 support

By Edouard on October 25, 2012

Last July I announced a few changes to the Bing Translator API were coming.

The reason behind these changes is that Microsoft deprecated their free Bing Translate API to replace it by a new Azure Marketplace Bing Translate API. The new API is just about the same as the old, but is no longer free.

Today I removed support for the Bing Translate API v1, which was deprecated. If you used to depend on Bing Translate’s suggestions, please update your project settings to either use the new Azure Marketplace Bing Translator or Google Translate services. You will find some help about that in WebTranslateIt’s documentation.

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions and I will get right back to you. Thank you for choosing WebTranslateIt.

New in WebTranslateIt: Set a size limit for translations

By Edouard on September 7, 2012

I just added the capability for managers to set a maximum size for translations in WebTranslateIt.

It’s really easy to use. Managers are able to set a maximum translation translation size under the String Details window:

When a translation size limit is set, translators will identify segments having a translation length limit by looking for a specific badge:

If a translator exceeds the size limit, the following error message will be displayed when saving the translation:

In order to save the segment, the translator should try to reduce the size of the translation, or bypass the validation by unticking the “validate” checkbox.

That’s all there is to know about this new feature. Thank you for using WebTranslateIt.

New in WebTranslateIt: Export a project to a CSV file

By Edouard on August 17, 2012

I added the ability for managers to export a whole project’s translations to a CSV file.

To get your CSV file, head over to your project settings, “Downloads & Goodies” and click on “Get a CSV file”.

WebTranslateIt will create a CSV file for you and will send it to you by e-mail as soon as it is ready.

You can then open your CSV file with any spreadsheet tool (Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers, Google docs, …)

New in WebTranslateIt: HiDPI icons

By Edouard on August 17, 2012

I released a visual update to WebTranslateIt’s interface.

The interface icons have been the same since I launched WebTranslateIt in 2009. Since then technology and techniques have greatly improved and with retina display products —which become more and more mainstream— it becomes important for websites to have the interface look good at any zoom level.

The updated WebTranslateIt interface use the SymbolSet webfonts and leverage CSS3 techniques such as rounded corners and gradients to make sure the interface looks great on any screen at any zoom level.

(Click to view a larger version)

I hope you’ll find this improvement enjoyable. Thank you for using WebTranslateIt.