The WebTranslateIt Blog

i18n news and Product Updates about WebTranslateIt

WTIpress v0.0.3

By Edouard on November 22, 2011

I just released a new version of WTIpress, the Wordpress gateway for WebTranslateIt. The current version hits 0.0.3.

This new version adds the ability to manage languages from WTIpress, and fixes one bug.

If you already use an older version of WTIpress, the update should show up on your dashboard.

WebTranslateIt’s Changelog

By Edouard on November 17, 2011

I only write a blog post when I release important features to WebTranslateIt. There are actually quite a lot of changes released to the website everyday: bug fixes to the different linguistic file importers, internal changes, small user interface improvements, …

You can view WebTranslateIt’s changelog at this address:

Support for PHP Define files, MicroDVD .sub and Subviewer 2.0 .sub files

By Edouard on November 17, 2011

I just added support for 3 new file formats.

PHP Define files

I added support for PHP array files months ago. You can now import PHP Define files, which are also popular for localising PHP applications.

MicroDVD and Subviewer subtitle files

In addition to the existing YouTube .sbv and Subrip .srt files, WebTranslateIt now support MicroDVD and SubViewer 2.0 .sub files.

This makes a grand total of 30 different linguistic file formats you can translate using WebTranslateIt.

Translate large chunks of code with ease

By Edouard on November 16, 2011

Strings sometimes contain quite a lot of untranslatable content. URLs, HTML tags, code… For translators, translating these strings really are a pain, because the content is not translatable, but there also shouldn’t be any mistakes while retyping it.

I just released an update that should make translating strings containing untranslatable content more fun. Let’s have a look at how it works.

Let’s consider this string. It contains quite a lot of code.

Open the string’s form. It makes code clickable.

Click on the code and it will be pasted to the translation box. It’s that easy!

Here’s a quick video showing how this feature works

I hope you will find this improvement useful. Thank you for using WebTranslateIt!