and unfortunately one was shot there, because he didn’t put his hands up.
European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
and unfortunately one was shot there, because he didn’t put his hands up.
and unfortunately one was shot there, because he didn’t put his hands up.
und leider war es so, der… den haben sie dort erschossen weil er nicht die Händ’ gehoben hat.
and unfortunately one was shot there, because he didn’t put his hands up.and unfortunately one was shot there, because he didn’t put his hands up.
and unfortunately one was shot there, because he didn’t put his hands up.and unfortunately one was shot there, because he didn’t put his hands up.
und leider war es so, der… den haben sie dort erschossen weil er nicht die Händ’ gehoben hat.und leider war es so, der… den haben sie dort erschossen weil er nicht die Händ’ gehoben hat.
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