If I were to say I was from Gornji grad, it’d be even worse. So I said I was from Celje.
European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
If I were to say I was from Gornji grad, it’d be even worse. So I said I was from Celje.
If I were to say I was from Gornji grad, it’d be even worse. So I said I was from Celje.
Se avessi detto che ero di Gornji grad, sarebbe stato persino peggio.Così ho detto che ero di Celje.
If I were to say I was from Gornji grad, it’d be even worse. So I said I was from Celje.If I were to say I was from Gornji grad, it’d be even worse. So I said I was from Celje.
If I were to say I was from Gornji grad, it’d be even worse. So I said I was from Celje.If I were to say I was from Gornji grad, it’d be even worse. So I said I was from Celje.
Se avessi detto che ero di Gornji grad, sarebbe stato persino peggio.Così ho detto che ero di Celje.Se avessi detto che ero di Gornji grad, sarebbe stato persino peggio.Così ho detto che ero di Celje.
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