European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
That was such a case where the union men thought it to be a betrayal …
That was such a case where the union men thought it to be a betrayal …
Era così strano, che molti sindacalisti pensarono si trattasse di un inganno… -
We went out there on our bicycles on the 30th April and celebrated May day out there.
We went out there on our bicycles on the 30th April and celebrated May day out there.
Il 30 Aprile uscimmo fuori dalla città con le bici e passammo là fuori il giorno di festa. -
When we came back we stopped to eat somewhere at Samitzsee and had a drink and sang.
When we came back we stopped to eat somewhere at Samitzsee and had a drink and sang.
Poi tornando, bevemmo e cantammo da qualche parte al lago Samnitzsee. -
The people liked that.
The people liked that.
La gente si stava divertendo -
Someone said: “I will do some collecting.”
Someone said: “I will do some collecting.”
e qualcuno mi disse: "Io vado a racimolare qualche spicciolo." -
And the money we collected there, we used for the ‘Rote Hilfe’ (political helping organisation).
And the money we collected there, we used for the ‘Rote Hilfe’ (political helping organisation).
I soldi che avevamo raccolto, li usammo per la "Rote Hilfe" (Soccorso Rosso, organizzazione a sostegno politico) -
That way you could sometimes raise money to finance things.
That way you could sometimes raise money to finance things.
In questo modo avremmo potuto finanziare diverse cose. -
Even SA people, who were on their way back from the Baltic Sea, gave money.
Even SA people, who were on their way back from the Baltic Sea, gave money.
Persino alcuni delle SA che stavano tornando dal Mar Baltico, ci diedero dei soldi. -
Worldwide economic crisis, SA-attack on childrens camp
Worldwide economic crisis, SA-attack on childrens camp
Grande Depressione, Attacco delle SA al campo estivo -
At that time the communists propagated the slogan:
At that time the communists propagated the slogan:
Allora i comunisti avevano lanciato lo slogan: -
“Who votes for Hindenburg, votes for Hitler and who votes for Hitler, votes for war.”
“Who votes for Hindenburg, votes for Hitler and who votes for Hitler, votes for war.”
"Chi vota Hindenburg vota Hitler e chi vota Hitler vota per la guerra." -
The Great Depression affected Germany.
The Great Depression affected Germany.
La Crisi economica del 1929 incise sulla Germania. -
There were more than 6 millions of unemployed people.
There were more than 6 millions of unemployed people.
Avevamo più di 6 milioni di disoccupati. -
Companies put signs up: “We do not recruit.”
Companies put signs up: “We do not recruit.”
Nelle aziende si leggeva il cartello: "Non assumiamo nessuno!" Adesso non si fanno più quei cartelli. -
And the troubles well, youngsters mainly, who did not have a job.
And the troubles well, youngsters mainly, who did not have a job.
La situazione di inquietudine e soprattutto la disoccupazione giovanile -
That led to radicalizations.
That led to radicalizations.
portarono al fenomeno della radicalizzazione. -
So many murders happened at that time, as well.
So many murders happened at that time, as well.
Al tempo ci furono anche molti omicidi. -
Political opponents were murdered.
Political opponents were murdered.
Gli oppositori politici vennero assassinati. -
We witnessed something like this, too. One day, we were out and about, when we were attacked by SA people.
We witnessed something like this, too. One day, we were out and about, when we were attacked by SA people.
Anche noi sperimentammo qualcosa di simile. Eravamo fuori e le SA ci aggredirono. -
And then another example: In 1932
And then another example: In 1932
Un altro esempio ci fu nel 1932.