European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
Secrecy was vital in order to survive; there was no other value but this.
Secrecy was vital in order to survive; there was no other value but this.
Perché per allora la clandestinità era determinante per la salvezza della vita... cioè non esisteva nessun valore, fondamentalmente esisteva questo. -
My father went on: “So now you’ll leave, too.
My father went on: “So now you’ll leave, too.
E dice: “E adesso anche tu vai via. -
I have a son who’s been away for a year now, and I don’t know where he is and if he’s alive.
I have a son who’s been away for a year now, and I don’t know where he is and if he’s alive.
Ho un figlio che è un anno che non so dov’è, è scappato ma non so se è vivo; -
As for the other one, I have had no news for the last three months. He came home for a while but I don’t know where he is now”.
As for the other one, I have had no news for the last three months. He came home for a while but I don’t know where he is now”.
l’altro è tre mesi che non so dov’è, dice, è venuto a casa un momento però adesso io non so più dov’è”, -
There was no communication with the families from the mountains to the valley.
There was no communication with the families from the mountains to the valley.
perché il collegamento pianura- montagna non esisteva con le famiglie, dice: -
“Now you’re going away, too, and I’ll stay home with your sister, a ten year old girl.
“Now you’re going away, too, and I’ll stay home with your sister, a ten year old girl.
“Adesso vai via anche tu, rimango a casa con una ragazzina di dieci anni”, perché mia sorella aveva quell’età, -
But I think that you made the right choice.
But I think that you made the right choice.
però dice: “Io penso che tu abbia fatto la scelta giusta, -
At least you’ll have a chance to save and defend yourself, unlike us who will end up like mice trapped at home.
At least you’ll have a chance to save and defend yourself, unlike us who will end up like mice trapped at home.
se non altro – dice – a differenza di noi che stando a casa facciamo la fine dei topi, tu hai la possibilità di salvarti, almeno hai la possibilità di difenderti; -
Just remember that your father thinks a lot of you”.
Just remember that your father thinks a lot of you”.
però ricordati, dice, che tuo padre ha una grande stima di te”. -
That was what my father told me.
That was what my father told me.
Questo è stato il discorso che mi ha fatto mio padre. -
Transport of weapons, ammunition, radios
Transport of weapons, ammunition, radios
Trasporto di armi, munizioni e radio -
He told me:
He told me:
Mi parla e mi dice: -
“Listen, we need someone to bring what we need to the mountains, especially ammunition and weapons.
“Listen, we need someone to bring what we need to the mountains, especially ammunition and weapons.
“Guarda, noi abbiamo bisogno di una che ci porti su quello di cui abbiamo bisogno, in particolar modo della munizione e delle armi. -
Do you think you can do it?” I said yes.
Do you think you can do it?” I said yes.
Te la senti di fare?”. Dico: “Sì, lo faccio, lo faccio”. -
The Ferrari brothers at the time had a butchery near the D’Alberto movie theatre.
The Ferrari brothers at the time had a butchery near the D’Alberto movie theatre.
Allora c’erano i fratelli Ferrari che avevano una macelleria vicino al cinema D’Alberto, -
Two brothers were in the mountains with the partisans of the Don Pasquino detachment,
Two brothers were in the mountains with the partisans of the Don Pasquino detachment,
due fratelli erano in montagna nei partigiani nel distaccamento Don Pasquino, -
another one was with the fascists.
another one was with the fascists.
e uno invece era nei fascisti e... -
I asked them what they’d do to this brother once the war was over.
I asked them what they’d do to this brother once the war was over.
ho detto: “Beh, quand’è finita la guerra che ci fate a vostro fratello?”. -
They replied: “He’s with the fascists because we sent him.
They replied: “He’s with the fascists because we sent him.
Dice: “Per Dio, è lì perché ce lo abbiamo mandato noi, sta buona. -
He was a fascist and they were glad to take him, so now he sends out some weapons for us.
He was a fascist and they were glad to take him, so now he sends out some weapons for us.
Lui ha avuto fortuna che era fascista, dice, l’han preso volentieri e ci porta, ci manda fuori delle armi.