European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
When distributing leaflets we would try to go out at night, but also not too often, because one had to be careful.
When distributing leaflets we would try to go out at night, but also not too often, because one had to be careful.
Evitavamo di distribuire i volantini in pieno giorno e di notte, lo facevamo la sera. Bisognava stare attentissimi. -
Under these circumstances I became politically active, at work and in my daily life.
Under these circumstances I became politically active, at work and in my daily life.
È in queste circostanze che sono diventato un militante, sul lavoro e nella vita di tutti i giorni. -
Introduction: family, school, work
Introduction: family, school, work
Introduzione: la famiglia, la scuola, il lavoro -
My name is Lucien Ducastel. I am from the Seine-Maritime, in Normandy.
My name is Lucien Ducastel. I am from the Seine-Maritime, in Normandy.
Mi chiamo Lucien Ducastel. Sono originario della Seine-Maritime, in Normandia. -
For three years, I was an apprentice butcher, but did not like it at all. I started working in construction, as a metal worker.
For three years, I was an apprentice butcher, but did not like it at all. I started working in construction, as a metal worker.
Ho imparato il mestiere di macellaio per tre anni, ma non mi piaceva affatto. Mi sono messo a lavorare nell'edilizia e poi nel metallurgico. -
I worked very hard.
I worked very hard.
Ho fatto dei lavori molto duri. -
My parents, my father was a metal worker, a hard working man. He repaired ships.
My parents, my father was a metal worker, a hard working man. He repaired ships.
I miei genitori… mio padre era meccanico, era uno che lavorava duro. Faceva riparazioni a bordo delle navi. -
Sometimes he worked on two or three ships a week. My mother was a textile worker.
Sometimes he worked on two or three ships a week. My mother was a textile worker.
Mia madre era operaia nel tessile. I miei genitori lavoravano entrambi. E io andavo a scuola e non avevamo problemi. -
I have my elementary school certificate. I was barely twelve years old.
I have my elementary school certificate. I was barely twelve years old.
Ho finito le scuole elementari. Avevo appena dodici anni, o undici e mezzo. -
My birthday is in the end of August and I got the certificate in June.
My birthday is in the end of August and I got the certificate in June.
Ne facevo dodici a fine agosto e ho ricevuto il certificato a giugno. -
It was important to me. Afterwards, I started working.
It was important to me. Afterwards, I started working.
Era molto importante per me. Dopo mi sono messo a lavorare. -
And as I had very little ideas about what I wanted to do I became an apprentice butcher.
And as I had very little ideas about what I wanted to do I became an apprentice butcher.
E, siccome non avevo molte idee su cosa fare, ho imparato il mestiere di macellaio. -
I worked there for three and a half years. I started to learn about the work. But in the end I never became a butcher.
I worked there for three and a half years. I started to learn about the work. But in the end I never became a butcher.
Ho lavorato là tre anni e mezzo. Facevo le commissioni, lavoravo e imparavo. Ma alla fine non sono diventato macellaio. -
Then I started working in construction, in civil projects, doing repair work on ships.
Then I started working in construction, in civil projects, doing repair work on ships.
Poi mi sono messo a lavorare nell'edilizia, opere pubbliche, lavori sulle navi. -
I did all sorts of different things, always manual work though.
I did all sorts of different things, always manual work though.
Ho fatto diversi lavori manuali. -
I was 16 years old in 1936 and I worked in factories.
I was 16 years old in 1936 and I worked in factories.
Nel 1936 avevo 16 anni e ho iniziato a lavorare in fabbrica. -
I had simply become a worker and got to know the whole period of 1936, the strikes and all that it represented.
I had simply become a worker and got to know the whole period of 1936, the strikes and all that it represented.
Così sono diventato operaio e ho vissuto tutto il periodo del 1936, gli scioperi e tutto quello che significavano. -
The strikes of 1936 were the beginning of it all.
The strikes of 1936 were the beginning of it all.
Sono stati gli scioperi del 1936 a dare il via al resto. -
There was a labour movement that manifested itself. I was already part of the working class.
There was a labour movement that manifested itself. I was already part of the working class.
Era un movimento operaio che si manifestava. All'epoca lavoravo già in un contesto operaio. -
In these conditions the 1936 movement manifested itself a little bit everywhere and there were big demonstrations.
In these conditions the 1936 movement manifested itself a little bit everywhere and there were big demonstrations.
In queste circostanze il movimento del 1936 è cresciuto un po' dappertutto, con grandi manifestazioni.