Posts tagged: %{tags}
Posts tagged: %{tags}
タグ%{tags}の付いた投稿 -
Public activity
Public activity
公開アクティビティ -
ストリーム -
My aspects
My aspects
マイ アスペクト -
My activity
My activity
マイ アクティビティ -
Change email
Change email
メールを変更 -
Your diaspora* ID
Your diaspora* ID
ダイアスポラ* ID -
someone starts sharing with you
someone starts sharing with you
あなたとシェアを始めたとき -
someone likes your post
someone likes your post
あなたの投稿をいいね!したとき -
someone reshares your post
someone reshares your post
あなたの投稿をリシェアしたとき -
We have sent you an activation link to %{unconfirmed_email}. Until you follow this link and activate the new address, we will continue to use your original address %{email}.
We have sent you an activation link to %{unconfirmed_email}. Until you follow this link and activate the new address, we will continue to use your original address %{email}.
有効化のリンクを %{unconfirmed_email} に送信しました。 このリンクに従って、新しいアドレスを有効にするまで、元のアドレス %{email} を使い続けます。 -
Stream preferences
Stream preferences
ストリーム設定 -
Show “community spotlight” in stream
Show “community spotlight” in stream
ストリームに「コミュニティスポットライト」を表示 -
Show “getting started” hints
Show “getting started” hints
「はじめに」のヒントを表示 -
Automatically share with users who start sharing with you
Automatically share with users who start sharing with you
あなたとシェアを始めたユーザーと、自動的にシェア -
Aspect for users you automatically share with:
Aspect for users you automatically share with:
あなたが自動的にシェアするユーザーのアスペクト: -
Hey, please don’t go!
Hey, please don’t go!
行かないでください! -
We’d love you to stay and help us make diaspora* better instead of leaving. If you really do want to leave, however, here’s what will happen next:
We’d love you to stay and help us make diaspora* better instead of leaving. If you really do want to leave, however, here’s what will happen next:
ここから離れないで、ダイアスポラ*をさらに良くする手助けをしてください。本当に離れたい場合は、しかし、次に起こることは: -
Mr Wiggles will be sad to see you go
Mr Wiggles will be sad to see you go
ウィグル氏は、あなたが行くのを見て悲しむでしょう -
We will delete all of your posts and profile data as soon as possible. Your comments on other people’s posts will still appear, but they will be associated with your diaspora* ID rather than your name.
We will delete all of your posts and profile data as soon as possible. Your comments on other people’s posts will still appear, but they will be associated with your diaspora* ID rather than your name.