How much of my information can my pod administrator see?
How much of my information can my pod administrator see?
Hvor mye av informasjonen min kan belg-administratoren min se? -
In short: everything. Communication between pods is always encrypted (using SSL and diaspora*’s own transport encryption), but the storage of data on pods is not encrypted. If they wanted to, the database administrator for your pod (usually the person running the pod) could access all your profile data and everything that you post (as is the case for most websites that store user data). This is why we give you the choice which pod you sign up to, so you can choose a pod whose admin you are happy to trust with your data. Running your own pod provides more privacy since you then control access to the database.
In short: everything. Communication between pods is always encrypted (using SSL and diaspora*’s own transport encryption), but the storage of data on pods is not encrypted. If they wanted to, the database administrator for your pod (usually the person running the pod) could access all your profile data and everything that you post (as is the case for most websites that store user data). This is why we give you the choice which pod you sign up to, so you can choose a pod whose admin you are happy to trust with your data. Running your own pod provides more privacy since you then control access to the database.
Kort fortalt: Alt. Kommunikasjon mellom belger er alltid kryptert (med SSL og diaspora* sin egen transportkryptering), men lagringen av data på belger er ikke kryptert. Dersom de ønsket, kunne databaseadministratorene for din belg (vanligvis personene som driver belgen) gått inn på alle profildataene dine og alt det du sender inn (slik tilfellet er for de fleste nettsteder som lagrer brukerdata). Derfor lar vi deg velge hvilken belg du vil registrere deg på, slik at du kan velge en belg hvor du føler deg komfortabel med å lagre dataene dine. Å drive sin egen belg gir mer privatliv siden du da har full kontroll over tilgangen til databasen. -
Can the administrators of other pods see my information?
Can the administrators of other pods see my information?
Kan administratorene på andre belger se informasjonen min? -
Once you are sharing with someone on another pod, any posts you share with them and a copy of your profile data are stored (cached) on their pod, and are accessible to that pod’s database administrator. When you delete a post or profile data it is deleted from your pod and a delete request is sent to any other pods where it had previously been stored. Your images are never stored on any pod but your own; only links to them are transmitted to other pods.
Once you are sharing with someone on another pod, any posts you share with them and a copy of your profile data are stored (cached) on their pod, and are accessible to that pod’s database administrator. When you delete a post or profile data it is deleted from your pod and a delete request is sent to any other pods where it had previously been stored. Your images are never stored on any pod but your own; only links to them are transmitted to other pods.
Når du begynner å dele med noen på en annen belg, vil innlegg du deler med dem og en kopi av dine profildata lagres (i midlertidig hurtigbuffer) på deres belg og vil være tilgjengelig for belgens databaseadministrator. Når du sletter et innlegg eller profildata, slettes det fra din belg og en sletteforespørsel sendes til alle andre belger hvor det ble lagret tidligere. Bildene dine lagres aldri på noen annen belg enn din egen, det er kun lenkene til dem som sendes til andre belger. -
Aspektene -
What is an aspect?
What is an aspect?
Hva er en aspekt? -
Aspects are the way you group your contacts on diaspora*. An aspect is one of the faces you show to the world. It might be who you are at work, or who you are to your family, or who you are to your friends in a club you belong to.
Aspects are the way you group your contacts on diaspora*. An aspect is one of the faces you show to the world. It might be who you are at work, or who you are to your family, or who you are to your friends in a club you belong to.
Aspekter er måten du grupperer kontaktene dine på diaspora*. Et aspekt er en av ansiktene du viser til verden. Det kan være hvem du er på jobben, hvem du er for familien din, eller hvem du er for vennene dine i en klubb du er medlem av. -
When I post to an aspect, who sees it?
When I post to an aspect, who sees it?
Hvem ser hva jeg publiserer til et aspekt? -
If you make a limited post, it will only be visible to the people you had placed in that aspect (or aspects, if it is made to multiple aspects) before making the post. Contacts you have who aren’t in the aspect have no way of seeing the post. Limited posts will never be visible to anyone who you haven’t placed into one of your aspects.
If you make a limited post, it will only be visible to the people you had placed in that aspect (or aspects, if it is made to multiple aspects) before making the post. Contacts you have who aren’t in the aspect have no way of seeing the post. Limited posts will never be visible to anyone who you haven’t placed into one of your aspects.
Et avgrenset innlegg vil bare være synlig for dem du har lagt inn i aspektet (eller aspektene, hvis det gjøres synlig for flere aspekter). Kontakter som ikke er med i aspektet har ingen mulighet for å se innlegget med mindre du publiserte det som offentlig. Personene du ikke har plassert i et aspekt vil bare kunne se dine offentlige innlegg. -
Can I restrict the posts in my stream to just those from certain aspects?
Can I restrict the posts in my stream to just those from certain aspects?
Kan jeg velge å bare se innlegg fra enkelte aspekter? -
Do my contacts know which aspects I have put them in?
Do my contacts know which aspects I have put them in?
Vet kontaktene mine hvilke aspekter jeg har puttet dem i? -
No. They cannot see the name of the aspect under any circumstances.
No. They cannot see the name of the aspect under any circumstances.
Nei. De har ikke mulighet til å se hva navnet på aspektet er. -
No. They are also not notified if you add them to more aspects, when you are already sharing with them.
No. They are also not notified if you add them to more aspects, when you are already sharing with them.
Nei. De får heller ikke varsel dersom du legger dem til i flere aspekter når du allerede deler med dem. -
How do I rename an aspect?
How do I rename an aspect?
Kan jeg gi et nytt navn til et aspekt? -
Click “My aspects” in the side-bar from a stream view and click the pencil icon by the aspect you want to rename, or go to your Contacts page and select the relevant aspect. Then click the edit icon next to the aspect name at the top of this page, change the name and press “Update”.
Click “My aspects” in the side-bar from a stream view and click the pencil icon by the aspect you want to rename, or go to your Contacts page and select the relevant aspect. Then click the edit icon next to the aspect name at the top of this page, change the name and press “Update”.
Ja. Hold musepekeren over aspektet du vil gi nytt navn i listen over aspekter til venstre på hovedsiden. Klikk den lille «rediger»-blyanten som vises til høyre. Klikk «endre navn» i boksen som kommer til syne. -
No, but you can always make a new post with the same content and post it to a different aspect.
No, but you can always make a new post with the same content and post it to a different aspect.
Nei, men du kan alltids lage en ny post med samme innhold og poste til et annet aspekt. -
Can I post content to multiple aspects at once?
Can I post content to multiple aspects at once?
Kan jeg legge inn innhold til flere aspekter på en gang? -
Yes. When you are making a post, use the aspect selector button to select or deselect aspects. “All aspects” is the default setting. Your post will be visible to all the aspects you select. You could also select the aspects you want to post to in the side-bar. When you post, the aspect(s) that you have selected in the list on the left will automatically be selected in the aspect selector when you start to make a new post.
Yes. When you are making a post, use the aspect selector button to select or deselect aspects. “All aspects” is the default setting. Your post will be visible to all the aspects you select. You could also select the aspects you want to post to in the side-bar. When you post, the aspect(s) that you have selected in the list on the left will automatically be selected in the aspect selector when you start to make a new post.
Ja. Bruk knappen for aspektvalg for å velge eller fjerne aspekter når du lager et innlegg. "Alle aspekter" er standardvalget. Innlegget vil være synlig for alle aspektene du velger. Du kan også velge aspektene du ønsker å poste til i sidemenyen. Når du publiserer, vil aspektet(/aspektene) du har valgt i listen til venstre automatisk bli valgt i aspektvelgeren på et nytt innlegg. -
Can I add a person to multiple aspects?
Can I add a person to multiple aspects?
Kan jeg legge til en person til flere aspekter? -
How do I delete an aspect?
How do I delete an aspect?
Hvordan sletter jeg et aspekt?