How do I hide a post?
How do I hide a post?
Hvordan skjuler jeg et innlegg? -
If you point your mouse at the top of a post, an X appears on the right. Click it to hide the post and mute notifications about it. You can still see the post if you visit the profile page of the person who posted it.
If you point your mouse at the top of a post, an X appears on the right. Click it to hide the post and mute notifications about it. You can still see the post if you visit the profile page of the person who posted it.
Hvis du holder musepekeren ved toppen av en post, vises en X til høyre. Klikk den for å skjule posten og mute beskjeder om den. Du kan fremdeles se posten hvis du besøker profilsiden til personen som postet den. -
How can I format the text in my posts (bold, italics, etc.)?
How can I format the text in my posts (bold, italics, etc.)?
Hvordan kan jeg formatere teksten i mine innlegg (fet, kursiv, etc.)? -
diaspora* uses a simplified system called %{markdown}. The publisher has buttons to make it easy to format your text. If you want to format your post manually, you can find the full Markdown syntax %{here}. The preview tab means you can see how your message will look before you share it. Remember that you can’t edit it once posted, so use the preview to make sure it’s perfect before pressing Share!
diaspora* uses a simplified system called %{markdown}. The publisher has buttons to make it easy to format your text. If you want to format your post manually, you can find the full Markdown syntax %{here}. The preview tab means you can see how your message will look before you share it. Remember that you can’t edit it once posted, so use the preview to make sure it’s perfect before pressing Share!
Ved å bruke et enkelt system som kalles %{markdown}. Du kan finne hele syntaksen for Markdown %{here}. Knappen for forhåndsvisning er veldig nyttig her, siden du får se hvordan meldingen kommer til å se ut før du deler den. -
How do I insert images into posts?
How do I insert images into posts?
Hvordan setter jeg inn bilder til innlegg? -
If you want to include an image stored on your computer in your post, click the little camera icon at the bottom of the publisher. You can also drag and drop an image, or multiple images, from your computer onto that icon. If you want to insert an image from the web into your post, click the image button on the top of the publisher, which will create the Markdown code for you.
If you want to include an image stored on your computer in your post, click the little camera icon at the bottom of the publisher. You can also drag and drop an image, or multiple images, from your computer onto that icon. If you want to insert an image from the web into your post, click the image button on the top of the publisher, which will create the Markdown code for you.
Klikk på det lille kameraikonet for å sette inn et bilde i en post. Klikk på fotoikonet igjen for å legge til enda et bilde, eller du kan merke flere bilder å laste opp på en gang. -
Can I insert images into comments?
Can I insert images into comments?
Kan jeg sett inn bilder i kommentarer? -
Can I customize the size of images in posts or comments?
Can I customize the size of images in posts or comments?
Kan jeg tilpasse størrelsen på bilder i innlegg eller kommentarer? -
No. Images are resized automatically to fit the stream or single-post view. Markdown does not have a code for specifying the size of an image.
No. Images are resized automatically to fit the stream or single-post view. Markdown does not have a code for specifying the size of an image.
Nei. Bildedimensjonene justeres automatisk for å passe i strømmen. Markdown har ikke en kode for å spesifisere dimensjonene til et bilde. -
How do I embed a video, audio, or other multimedia content into a post?
How do I embed a video, audio, or other multimedia content into a post?
Hvordan kan jeg legge inn en video, lyd eller annet multimedieinnhold i et innlegg? -
You can usually just paste the URL (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnnnnnnnnnn ) into your post and the video or audio will be embedded automatically. The sites supported include: YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, Flickr and a few more. diaspora* uses oEmbed for this feature. If you post a direct link to an audio or video file, diaspora* will embed it using standard HTML5 player. We’re supporting more media sources all the time. Remember to always post simple, full links – no shortened links; no operators after the base URL – and give it a little time before you refresh the page after posting for seeing the preview.
You can usually just paste the URL (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnnnnnnnnnn ) into your post and the video or audio will be embedded automatically. The sites supported include: YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, Flickr and a few more. diaspora* uses oEmbed for this feature. If you post a direct link to an audio or video file, diaspora* will embed it using standard HTML5 player. We’re supporting more media sources all the time. Remember to always post simple, full links – no shortened links; no operators after the base URL – and give it a little time before you refresh the page after posting for seeing the preview.
Du kan vanligvis rett og slett lime inn URL-en (f.eks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnnnnnnnnnn ) i posten din, og videoen eller lyden vil da bli bygget inn automatisk. Noen av nettstedene som støttes er: YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, Flickr og noen flere. diaspora* bruker oEmbed til denne funksjonen. Støtte for nye nettsteder legges til hele tiden. Husk å alltid poste enkle, hele linker: ingen forkortete linker; ingen operatører etter den grunnleggende URL-en; og gi det litt tid før du laster inn siden på nytt etter postingen for å se forhåndsvisningen. -
What is the character limit for posts?
What is the character limit for posts?
Hva er grensen for antall tegn for innlegg? -
65,535 characters. That’s 65,395 more characters than you get on Twitter! ;)
65,535 characters. That’s 65,395 more characters than you get on Twitter! ;)
65 535 tegnene. Det er 65 395 flere tegn enn du får på Twitter! ;) -
What if I'm sharing my post with a connected service with a smaller character count?
What if I'm sharing my post with a connected service with a smaller character count?
Hva er tegngrensen for poster delt gjennom en tilkoblet tjeneste med et lavere tegnantall? -
In that case you should restrict your post to the smaller character count (140 in the case of Twitter; 1000 in the case of Tumblr), and the number of characters you have left to use is displayed when that service’s icon is highlighted. You can still post to these services if your post is longer than their limit, but the text will be truncated on those services with a link to the post on diaspora*.
In that case you should restrict your post to the smaller character count (140 in the case of Twitter; 1000 in the case of Tumblr), and the number of characters you have left to use is displayed when that service’s icon is highlighted. You can still post to these services if your post is longer than their limit, but the text will be truncated on those services with a link to the post on diaspora*.
I det tilfellet er posten din begrenset til det laveste antallet tegn (140 når det gjelder Twitter, 1000 når det gjelder Tumblr), og antallet tegn du har igjen å bruke vises når den aktuelle tjenestens ikon markeres. Du kan fremdeles poste til disse tjenestene selv om posten din er lenger enn deres grense, men teksten blir avkortet på de tjenestene. -
Why is my stream full of posts from people I don’t know and don’t share with?
Why is my stream full of posts from people I don’t know and don’t share with?
Hvorfor er strømmen min full av innlegg fra folk jeg ikke kjenner og ikke deler med? -
Your stream is made up of three types of posts:
Your stream is made up of three types of posts:
Din strøm består av tre typer innlegg: -
Posts by people you are sharing with, which come in two types: public posts and limited posts shared with an aspect that you are part of. To remove these posts from your stream, simply stop sharing with the person.
Posts by people you are sharing with, which come in two types: public posts and limited posts shared with an aspect that you are part of. To remove these posts from your stream, simply stop sharing with the person.
Poster av folk du deler med, som kommer i to varianter: offentlige poster og begrensete poster delte med et aspekt som du er med i. For å fjerne disse postene, helt enkelt avslutt å dele med personen. -
Public posts containing one of the tags that you follow. To remove these, stop following that tag.
Public posts containing one of the tags that you follow. To remove these, stop following that tag.
Offentlige poster som inneholder en av tag-ene du følger. For å fjerne disse, slutt å følge tag-en. -
Public posts by people listed in the community spotlight. These can be removed by unchecking the “Show community spotlight in stream?” option in the Account tab of your Settings.
Public posts by people listed in the community spotlight. These can be removed by unchecking the “Show community spotlight in stream?” option in the Account tab of your Settings.
Offentlige poster av folk oppført i sosiale rampelys. Disse kan fjernes ved å fjerne avhukingen for «Vis sosiale rampelys i strømmen?»-alternativet i Konto-arkfanen i dine innstillinger.