<!-- Printing tag: -->MAP<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
MAP<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->MAP<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
MAP<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->POSTALCODE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
POSTALCODE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->POSTALCODE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
POSTALCODE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PUBLISHER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PUBLISHER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PUBLISHER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PUBLISHER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Naam verkondigerNaam verkondiger
Naam verkondigerNaam verkondiger
<!-- Printing tag: -->REMARK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REMARK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->REMARK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REMARK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->STATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
STATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->STATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
STATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->STREET<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
STREET<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->STREET<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
STREET<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TERRITORY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TERRITORY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TERRITORY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TERRITORY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TERRITORY_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TERRITORY_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TERRITORY_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TERRITORY_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Geb. nr.Geb. nr.
Geb. nr.Geb. nr.
<!-- Printing tag: -->TERRITORY_TYPE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TERRITORY_TYPE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TERRITORY_TYPE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TERRITORY_TYPE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Afdruklabels voor sjabloon 'gebiedsgegevens'Afdruklabels voor sjabloon 'gebiedsgegevens'
Afdruklabels voor sjabloon 'gebiedsgegevens'Afdruklabels voor sjabloon 'gebiedsgegevens'
<a href="#overall">algemene afdruklabels</a> met bereik T
<a href="#overall">
algemene afdruklabels</a>
met bereik T -
<a href="#overall">algemene afdruklabels</a> met bereik T
<a href="#overall">
algemene afdruklabels</a>
met bereik T
<!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Gegevens over gebiedstoewijzingGegevens over gebiedstoewijzing
Gegevens over gebiedstoewijzingGegevens over gebiedstoewijzing
<!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE_TERRITORYCOVERAGE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TITLE_TERRITORYCOVERAGE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE_TERRITORYCOVERAGE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TITLE_TERRITORYCOVERAGE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TOTALNUMBER_TERRITORY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TOTALNUMBER_TERRITORY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TOTALNUMBER_TERRITORY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TOTALNUMBER_TERRITORY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Totaal aantal gebiedenTotaal aantal gebieden
Totaal aantal gebiedenTotaal aantal gebieden
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_TOTALNUMBER_TERRITORY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_TOTALNUMBER_TERRITORY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_TOTALNUMBER_TERRITORY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_TOTALNUMBER_TERRITORY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{totaal aantal gebieden}{totaal aantal gebieden}
{total number of territories}{total number of territories}
{total number of territories}{total number of territories}
{total number of territories}{total number of territories}
<!-- Printing tag: -->WORKED_LT6M<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WORKED_LT6M<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->WORKED_LT6M<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WORKED_LT6M<!-- Don't translate this. -->
< 6 maanden< 6 maanden
< 6 maanden< 6 maanden
<!-- Printing tag: -->WORKED_6TO12M<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WORKED_6TO12M<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->WORKED_6TO12M<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WORKED_6TO12M<!-- Don't translate this. -->
6 tot 12 maanden6 tot 12 maanden
6 tot 12 maanden6 tot 12 maanden
<!-- Printing tag: -->WORKED_GT12M<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WORKED_GT12M<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->WORKED_GT12M<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WORKED_GT12M<!-- Don't translate this. -->
> 12 maanden geleden> 12 maanden geleden
> 12 maanden geleden> 12 maanden geleden
<!-- Printing tag: -->AVERAGE_PER_YEAR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
AVERAGE_PER_YEAR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->AVERAGE_PER_YEAR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
AVERAGE_PER_YEAR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Gemiddeld per jaarGemiddeld per jaar
Gemiddeld per jaarGemiddeld per jaar
<!-- Printing tag: -->TERRITORY_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TERRITORY_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TERRITORY_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TERRITORY_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
[Label dat bij opsomming van de gebieden het begin van een gebied aangeeft (2)][Label dat bij opsomming van de gebieden het begin van een gebied aangeeft (2)]
[Label dat bij opsomming van de gebieden het begin van een gebied aangeeft (2)][Label dat bij opsomming van de gebieden het begin van een gebied aangeeft (2)]
[Label dat bij opsomming van de gebieden het begin van een gebied aangeeft (2)][Label dat bij opsomming van de gebieden het begin van een gebied aangeeft (2)]
[Territory loop start tag (2)][Territory loop start tag (2)]
[Territory loop start tag (2)][Territory loop start tag (2)]
[Territory loop start tag (2)][Territory loop start tag (2)]
<!-- Printing tag: -->TERRITORY_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TERRITORY_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TERRITORY_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TERRITORY_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
[Label dat bij opsomming van de gebieden het eind van een gebied aangeeft][Label dat bij opsomming van de gebieden het eind van een gebied aangeeft]
[Territory loop end tag][Territory loop end tag]
[Territory loop end tag][Territory loop end tag]
[Territory loop end tag][Territory loop end tag]
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_TERRITORY_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_TERRITORY_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_TERRITORY_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_TERRITORY_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{gebiednummer }{gebiednummer }
{territory number}{territory number}
{territory number}{territory number}
{territory number}{territory number}
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_LOCALITY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_LOCALITY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_LOCALITY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_LOCALITY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{plaats waar het gebied ligt}{plaats waar het gebied ligt}
{territory locality}{territory locality}
{territory locality}{territory locality}
{territory locality}{territory locality}
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_TERRITORY_TYPE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_TERRITORY_TYPE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_TERRITORY_TYPE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_TERRITORY_TYPE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{naam van de gebiedsoort}{naam van de gebiedsoort}
{name of the territory type}{name of the territory type}
{name of the territory type}{name of the territory type}
{name of the territory type}{name of the territory type}
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_CITY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_CITY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_CITY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_CITY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{plaats waar het gebied in ligt}{plaats waar het gebied in ligt}
{city of the territory}{city of the territory}
{city of the territory}{city of the territory}
{city of the territory}{city of the territory}
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_DATE_LAST_WORKED<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_DATE_LAST_WORKED<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_DATE_LAST_WORKED<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_DATE_LAST_WORKED<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{laatste bewerkingsdatum van het gebied}{laatste bewerkingsdatum van het gebied}
{last worked date of the territory}{last worked date of the territory}
{last worked date of the territory}{last worked date of the territory}
{last worked date of the territory}{last worked date of the territory}
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_TERRITORY_REMARK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_TERRITORY_REMARK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_TERRITORY_REMARK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_TERRITORY_REMARK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{opmerking bij het gebied}{opmerking bij het gebied}
{remark for the territory}{remark for the territory}
{remark for the territory}{remark for the territory}
{remark for the territory}{remark for the territory}
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_TERRITORY_GEOMETRY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_TERRITORY_GEOMETRY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_TERRITORY_GEOMETRY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_TERRITORY_GEOMETRY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{geometrie van de gebiedsgrens in wkt-formaat}{geometrie van de gebiedsgrens in wkt-formaat}
{geometry of the territory's border in WKT format}{geometry of the territory's border in WKT format}
{geometry of the territory's border in WKT format}{geometry of the territory's border in WKT format}
{geometry of the territory's border in WKT format}{geometry of the territory's border in WKT format}
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_ASSIGNED_TO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_ASSIGNED_TO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_ASSIGNED_TO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_ASSIGNED_TO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{verkondiger aan wie het gebied is toegewezen}{verkondiger aan wie het gebied is toegewezen}
{publisher to whom the territory is currently assigned}{publisher to whom the territory is currently assigned}
{publisher to whom the territory is currently assigned}{publisher to whom the territory is currently assigned}
{publisher to whom the territory is currently assigned}{publisher to whom the territory is currently assigned}
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_AVERAGE_PER_YEAR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_AVERAGE_PER_YEAR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_AVERAGE_PER_YEAR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_AVERAGE_PER_YEAR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{gemiddelde gebiedsbewerking per jaar}{gemiddelde gebiedsbewerking per jaar}
{average territory coverage per year}{average territory coverage per year}
{average territory coverage per year}{average territory coverage per year}
{average territory coverage per year}{average territory coverage per year}
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
[afdruklabel dat bij de opsomming van de toewijzingen het begin van een toewijzing aangeeft (3)][afdruklabel dat bij de opsomming van de toewijzingen het begin van een toewijzing aangeeft (3)]
[Assignments loop start tag (3)][Assignments loop start tag (3)]
[Assignments loop start tag (3)][Assignments loop start tag (3)]
[Assignments loop start tag (3)][Assignments loop start tag (3)]
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
[afdruklabel dat bij de opsomming van de toewijzingen het eind van een toewijzing aangeeft][afdruklabel dat bij de opsomming van de toewijzingen het eind van een toewijzing aangeeft]
[Assignments loop end tag][Assignments loop end tag]
[Assignments loop end tag][Assignments loop end tag]
[Assignments loop end tag][Assignments loop end tag]
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_PUBLISHER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_PUBLISHER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_PUBLISHER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_PUBLISHER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{volledige naam toegewezen verkondiger}{volledige naam toegewezen verkondiger}
{publisher fullname of the assignment}{publisher fullname of the assignment}
{publisher fullname of the assignment}{publisher fullname of the assignment}
{publisher fullname of the assignment}{publisher fullname of the assignment}
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_DATE_CHECKED_OUT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_DATE_CHECKED_OUT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_DATE_CHECKED_OUT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_DATE_CHECKED_OUT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{datum waarop het gebied is uitgeschreven}{datum waarop het gebied is uitgeschreven}
{date when the territory has been checked out}{date when the territory has been checked out}
{date when the territory has been checked out}{date when the territory has been checked out}
{date when the territory has been checked out}{date when the territory has been checked out}
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_DATE_CHECKED_BACK_IN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_DATE_CHECKED_BACK_IN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TR_DATE_CHECKED_BACK_IN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TR_DATE_CHECKED_BACK_IN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{datum waarop het gebied is ingeleverd}{datum waarop het gebied is ingeleverd}
{date when the territory has been checked back in}{date when the territory has been checked back in}
{date when the territory has been checked back in}{date when the territory has been checked back in}
{date when the territory has been checked back in}{date when the territory has been checked back in}
Afdruklabels voor sjabloon 'gebiedskaartjes and adreslijsten'Afdruklabels voor sjabloon 'gebiedskaartjes and adreslijsten'
Afdruklabels voor sjabloon 'gebiedskaartjes and adreslijsten'Afdruklabels voor sjabloon 'gebiedskaartjes and adreslijsten'
<!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE_MAP<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TITLE_MAP<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE_MAP<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TITLE_MAP<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE_ADDRESSES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TITLE_ADDRESSES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE_ADDRESSES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TITLE_ADDRESSES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE_MAP_ADDRESSES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TITLE_MAP_ADDRESSES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE_MAP_ADDRESSES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TITLE_MAP_ADDRESSES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Gebiedskaartje met adreslijstGebiedskaartje met adreslijst
Gebiedskaartje met adreslijstGebiedskaartje met adreslijst
<!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE_DNC<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TITLE_DNC<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE_DNC<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TITLE_DNC<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Lijst met niet-bezoekersLijst met niet-bezoekers
Lijst met niet-bezoekersLijst met niet-bezoekers
[startlabel (3) dat bij het opsommen van adressen het begin van een adres aangeeft][startlabel (3) dat bij het opsommen van adressen het begin van een adres aangeeft]
[Addresses loop start tag (3)][Addresses loop start tag (3)]
[eindlabel dat bij het opsommen van adresen het eind van een adres aangeeft][eindlabel dat bij het opsommen van adresen het eind van een adres aangeeft]
[Addresses loop end tag][Addresses loop end tag]
[Addresses loop start tag (3)][Addresses loop start tag (3)]
[Addresses loop start tag (3)][Addresses loop start tag (3)]
[Addresses loop end tag][Addresses loop end tag]
[Addresses loop end tag][Addresses loop end tag]
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_COUNTRY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_COUNTRY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_COUNTRY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_COUNTRY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{land waar het adres in ligt}{land waar het adres in ligt}
{country of the address}{country of the address}
{country of the address}{country of the address}
{country of the address}{country of the address}
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_STATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_STATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_STATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_STATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_COUNTY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_COUNTY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_COUNTY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_COUNTY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_CITY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_CITY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_CITY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_CITY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_DISTRICT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_DISTRICT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_DISTRICT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_DISTRICT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_STREET<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_STREET<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_STREET<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_STREET<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{staat/provincie waar het adres in ligt}{staat/provincie waar het adres in ligt}
{state of the address}{state of the address}
{state of the address}{state of the address}
{state of the address}{state of the address}
{streek waar het adres in ligt}{streek waar het adres in ligt}
{county of the address}{county of the address}
{county of the address}{county of the address}
{county of the address}{county of the address}
{plaatsnaam van het adres}{plaatsnaam van het adres}
{city of the address}{city of the address}
{streek/stadsdeel waar het adres in ligt}{streek/stadsdeel waar het adres in ligt}
{district of the address}{district of the address}
{straat van het adres}{straat van het adres}
{street of the address}{street of the address}
{huisnummer van het adres}{huisnummer van het adres}
{housenumber of the address}{housenumber of the address}
{postcode van het adres}{postcode van het adres}
{postalcode of the address}{postalcode of the address}
{geometrie-punt van het adres in wkt-indeling}{geometrie-punt van het adres in wkt-indeling}
{point geometry of the address in WKT format}{point geometry of the address in WKT format}
{naam bij het adres}{naam bij het adres}
{name of the address}{name of the address}
{nummer van de adressoort}{nummer van de adressoort}
{address type number}{address type number}
{naam van de adressoort}{naam van de adressoort}
{address type name}{address type name}
{kleur van de adresmarkering}{kleur van de adresmarkering}
{color for the address marker}{color for the address marker}
Afdruklabels - Doordeweekse vergaderingAfdruklabels - Doordeweekse vergadering
Afdruklabels - Doordeweekse vergaderingAfdruklabels - Doordeweekse vergadering
{color for the address marker}{color for the address marker}
{color for the address marker}{color for the address marker}
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_ADDRESSTYPE_COLOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_ADDRESSTYPE_COLOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_ADDRESSTYPE_COLOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_ADDRESSTYPE_COLOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{address type name}{address type name}
{address type name}{address type name}
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_ADDRESSTYPE_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_ADDRESSTYPE_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_ADDRESSTYPE_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_ADDRESSTYPE_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{address type number}{address type number}
{address type number}{address type number}
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_ADDRESSTYPE_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_ADDRESSTYPE_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_ADDRESSTYPE_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_ADDRESSTYPE_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{name of the address}{name of the address}
{name of the address}{name of the address}
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{point geometry of the address in WKT format}{point geometry of the address in WKT format}
{point geometry of the address in WKT format}{point geometry of the address in WKT format}
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_POINT_GEOMETRY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_POINT_GEOMETRY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_POINT_GEOMETRY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_POINT_GEOMETRY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{postalcode of the address}{postalcode of the address}
{postalcode of the address}{postalcode of the address}
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_POSTALCODE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_POSTALCODE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_POSTALCODE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_POSTALCODE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{housenumber of the address}{housenumber of the address}
{housenumber of the address}{housenumber of the address}
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_HOUSENUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_HOUSENUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TA_HOUSENUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TA_HOUSENUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{street of the address}{street of the address}
{street of the address}{street of the address}
Hier is een lijst met afdruklabels en de overeenkomende waarden. Deze labels zijn mogelijk alleen op bepaalde niveaus beschikbaar, zoals:Hier is een lijst met afdruklabels en de overeenkomende waarden. Deze labels zijn mogelijk alleen op bepaalde niveaus beschikbaar, zoals:
Hier is een lijst met afdruklabels en de overeenkomende waarden. Deze labels zijn mogelijk alleen op bepaalde niveaus beschikbaar, zoals:Hier is een lijst met afdruklabels en de overeenkomende waarden. Deze labels zijn mogelijk alleen op bepaalde niveaus beschikbaar, zoals:
of zelfs in een geneste softwarelus [3]of zelfs in een geneste softwarelus [3]
of zelfs in een geneste softwarelus [3]of zelfs in een geneste softwarelus [3]
binnen een softwarelus [2]binnen een softwarelus [2]
binnen een softwarelus [2]binnen een softwarelus [2]
ergens in het hele sjabloon [1]ergens in het hele sjabloon [1]
ergens in het hele sjabloon [1]ergens in het hele sjabloon [1]
Elke softwarelus heeft een begin- en een eindlabel. Deze worden ook zo aangegeven (<code>*_START; *_END</code>). De omschrijving van de labels staat <span class="pt_loop_description">[tussen teksthaken]</span> in de kolom <strong>Waarde</strong>. Hierin staat ook het <strong>Bereik</strong> van de beschikbare labels. Als een afdruklabel een variabele bavat, dan staat de beschrijving daarvan <var class="pt_variable_description">{tussen accoladen}</var>. Zo niet, dan verschijnt de bedoelde tekst.Elke softwarelus heeft een begin- en een eindlabel. Deze worden ook zo aangegeven (
*_START; *_END</code>
). De omschrijving van de labels staat<span class="pt_loop_description">
[tussen teksthaken]</span>
in de kolom<strong>
. Hierin staat ook het<strong>
van de beschikbare labels. Als een afdruklabel een variabele bavat, dan staat de beschrijving daarvan<var class="pt_variable_description">
{tussen accoladen}</var>
. Zo niet, dan verschijnt de bedoelde tekst. -
Elke softwarelus heeft een begin- en een eindlabel. Deze worden ook zo aangegeven (<code>*_START; *_END</code>). De omschrijving van de labels staat <span class="pt_loop_description">[tussen teksthaken]</span> in de kolom <strong>Waarde</strong>. Hierin staat ook het <strong>Bereik</strong> van de beschikbare labels. Als een afdruklabel een variabele bavat, dan staat de beschrijving daarvan <var class="pt_variable_description">{tussen accoladen}</var>. Zo niet, dan verschijnt de bedoelde tekst.Elke softwarelus heeft een begin- en een eindlabel. Deze worden ook zo aangegeven (
*_START; *_END</code>
). De omschrijving van de labels staat<span class="pt_loop_description">
[tussen teksthaken]</span>
in de kolom<strong>
. Hierin staat ook het<strong>
van de beschikbare labels. Als een afdruklabel een variabele bavat, dan staat de beschrijving daarvan<var class="pt_variable_description">
{tussen accoladen}</var>
. Zo niet, dan verschijnt de bedoelde tekst.
Doordeweekse vergaderingDoordeweekse vergadering
Doordeweekse vergaderingDoordeweekse vergadering
Algemene afdruklabelsAlgemene afdruklabels
Algemene afdruklabelsAlgemene afdruklabels
<!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{naam van de doordeweekse vergadering}{naam van de doordeweekse vergadering}
{midweek meeting title}{midweek meeting title}
{midweek meeting title}{midweek meeting title}
{midweek meeting title}{midweek meeting title}
<!-- Printing tag: -->WORKSHEET<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WORKSHEET<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->WORKSHEET<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WORKSHEET<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->OPENING<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
OPENING<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->OPENING<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
OPENING<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CONCLUSION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CONCLUSION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CONCLUSION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CONCLUSION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Samenvatting en vooruitblikSamenvatting en vooruitblik
Samenvatting en vooruitblikSamenvatting en vooruitblik
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PRAYER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PRAYER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PRAYER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PRAYER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->COUNSELOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
COUNSELOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->COUNSELOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
COUNSELOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CONDUCTOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CONDUCTOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CONDUCTOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CONDUCTOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->LM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
LM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->LM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
LM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Schatten uit Gods WoordSchatten uit Gods Woord
Schatten uit Gods WoordSchatten uit Gods Woord
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Let je toe op de velddienstLet je toe op de velddienst
Leg je toe op de velddienstLeg je toe op de velddienst
Leg je toe op de velddienstLeg je toe op de velddienst
Leg je toe op de velddienstLeg je toe op de velddienst
<!-- Printing tag: -->CL<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CL<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CL<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CL<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Leven als ChristenenLeven als Christenen
Leven als ChristenenLeven als Christenen
<!-- Printing tag: -->CBS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CBS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CBS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CBS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->NO_MEETING<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
NO_MEETING<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->NO_MEETING<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
NO_MEETING<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Geen vergaderingGeen vergadering
Geen vergaderingGeen vergadering
<!-- Printing tag: -->ASSISTANT<!-- Don't translate this. --
<!-- Printing tag: -->
!-- Don't translate this. -- -
<!-- Printing tag: -->ASSISTANT<!-- Don't translate this. --
<!-- Printing tag: -->
!-- Don't translate this. --
<!-- Printing tag: -->STUDY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
STUDY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->STUDY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
STUDY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->EXERCISES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
EXERCISES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->EXERCISES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
EXERCISES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TIMING<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TIMING<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TIMING<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TIMING<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->NOTES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
NOTES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->NOTES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
NOTES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->NEXT_STUDY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
NEXT_STUDY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->NEXT_STUDY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
NEXT_STUDY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Volgende lesVolgende les
Volgende lesVolgende les
<!-- Printing tag: -->SETTING<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SETTING<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->SETTING<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SETTING<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->SCHOOL1<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SCHOOL1<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->SCHOOL1<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SCHOOL1<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->SCHOOL2<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SCHOOL2<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->SCHOOL2<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SCHOOL2<!-- Don't translate this. -->
2de school2de school
2de school2de school
<!-- Printing tag: -->SCHOOL3<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SCHOOL3<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->SCHOOL3<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SCHOOL3<!-- Don't translate this. -->
3de school3de school
3de school3de school
<!-- Printing tag: -->ACC<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
ACC<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->ACC<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
ACC<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Raadgever bijzaalRaadgever bijzaal
Raadgever bijzaalRaadgever bijzaal
<!-- Printing tag: -->AC<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
AC<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->AC<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
AC<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->MH<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
MH<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->MH<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
MH<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->STUDENT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
STUDENT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->STUDENT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
STUDENT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->RPA<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
RPA<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->RPA<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
RPA<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->SECTION_TITLES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SECTION_TITLES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->SECTION_TITLES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SECTION_TITLES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{<!-- Return value: -->"Yes"<!-- Don't translate this. --> of leeg}{
<!-- Return value: -->
"Yes"<!-- Don't translate this. -->
of leeg} -
{<!-- Return value: -->"Yes"<!-- Don't translate this. --> of leeg}{
<!-- Return value: -->
"Yes"<!-- Don't translate this. -->
of leeg}
{<!-- Return value: -->"Yes"<!-- Don't translate this. --> of leeg}{
<!-- Return value: -->
"Yes"<!-- Don't translate this. -->
of leeg} -
{<!-- Return value: -->"Yes"<!-- Don't translate this. --> or empty}{
<!-- Return value: -->
"Yes"<!-- Don't translate this. -->
or empty}
{<!-- Return value: -->"Yes"<!-- Don't translate this. --> or empty}{
<!-- Return value: -->
"Yes"<!-- Don't translate this. -->
or empty} -
{<!-- Return value: -->"Yes"<!-- Don't translate this. --> or empty}{
<!-- Return value: -->
"Yes"<!-- Don't translate this. -->
or empty}
<!-- Printing tag: -->DATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
DATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->DATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
DATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->LM_START_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
LM_START_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->LM_START_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
LM_START_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{aanvangstijd }{aanvangstijd }
{start time}{start time}
{start time}{start time}
{start time}{start time}
<!-- Printing tag: -->DURATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
DURATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->DURATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
DURATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->LM_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
LM_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->LM_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
LM_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{bijbellezen }{bijbellezen }
{bible reading}{bible reading}
{bible reading}{bible reading}
{bible reading}{bible reading}
<!-- Printing tag: -->LM_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
LM_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->LM_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
LM_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->COUNSELOR_A1<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
COUNSELOR_A1<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->COUNSELOR_A1<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
COUNSELOR_A1<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{raadgever 2de school}{raadgever 2de school}
{auxiliary class counselor}{auxiliary class counselor}
{auxiliary class counselor}{auxiliary class counselor}
{auxiliary class counselor}{auxiliary class counselor}
<!-- Printing tag: -->COUNSELOR_A2<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
COUNSELOR_A2<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->COUNSELOR_A2<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
COUNSELOR_A2<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{raadgever 3de school}{raadgever 3de school}
{2nd auxiliary class counselor}{2nd auxiliary class counselor}
{2nd auxiliary class counselor}{2nd auxiliary class counselor}
{2nd auxiliary class counselor}{2nd auxiliary class counselor}
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG1_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG1_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG1_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG1_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{nummer 1ste lied}{nummer 1ste lied}
{1st song number}{1st song number}
{1st song number}{1st song number}
{1st song number}{1st song number}
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG2_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG2_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG2_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG2_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{nummer 2de lied}{nummer 2de lied}
{2nd song number}{2nd song number}
{nummer 3de lied}{nummer 3de lied}
{3rd song number}{3rd song number}
{titel van het 1ste lied}{titel van het 1ste lied}
{1st song name}{1st song name}
{titel van het 2de lied}{titel van het 2de lied}
{2nd song name}{2nd song name}
{titel van het 3de lied}{titel van het 3de lied}
{3rd song name}{3rd song name}
{naam van broeder die openingsgebed uitspreekt}{naam van broeder die openingsgebed uitspreekt}
{brother's name who offers opening prayer}{brother's name who offers opening prayer}
{naam van broeder die slotgebed uitspreekt}{naam van broeder die slotgebed uitspreekt}
{brother's name who offers closing prayer}{brother's name who offers closing prayer}
{toegewezen tijd}{toegewezen tijd}
{allotted time}{allotted time}
{thema van de lezing}{thema van de lezing}
{talk theme}{talk theme}
{toegewezen spreker}{toegewezen spreker}
{assigned speaker}{assigned speaker}
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW2_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW2_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW2_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW2_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW2_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW2_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW2_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW2_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW1_NOTES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW1_NOTES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW1_NOTES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW1_NOTES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{assigned speaker}{assigned speaker}
{assigned speaker}{assigned speaker}
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW1_SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW1_SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW1_SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW1_SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW1_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW1_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW1_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW1_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{talk theme}{talk theme}
{talk theme}{talk theme}
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW1_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW1_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW1_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW1_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{allotted time}{allotted time}
{allotted time}{allotted time}
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW1_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW1_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW1_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW1_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{brother's name who offers closing prayer}{brother's name who offers closing prayer}
{brother's name who offers closing prayer}{brother's name who offers closing prayer}
<!-- Printing tag: -->PRAYER2_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PRAYER2_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PRAYER2_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PRAYER2_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{brother's name who offers opening prayer}{brother's name who offers opening prayer}
{brother's name who offers opening prayer}{brother's name who offers opening prayer}
<!-- Printing tag: -->PRAYER1_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PRAYER1_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PRAYER1_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PRAYER1_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{3rd song name}{3rd song name}
{3rd song name}{3rd song name}
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG3_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG3_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG3_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG3_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{2nd song name}{2nd song name}
{2nd song name}{2nd song name}
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG2_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG2_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG2_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG2_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{1st song name}{1st song name}
{1st song name}{1st song name}
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG1_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG1_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG1_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG1_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{3rd song number}{3rd song number}
{3rd song number}{3rd song number}
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG3_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG3_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->SONG3_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SONG3_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{2nd song number}{2nd song number}
{2nd song number}{2nd song number}
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW2_SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW2_SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW2_SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW2_SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW2_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW2_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW2_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW2_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{toegewezen leerling}{toegewezen leerling}
{assigned student}{assigned student}
{aanvinken als leerling de oefening(en) heeft gedaan}{aanvinken als leerling de oefening(en) heeft gedaan}
{check mark if student did the exercise(s)}{check mark if student did the exercise(s)}
{lesnummer }{lesnummer }
{study number}{study number}
{naam van de les}{naam van de les}
{study name}{study name}
{toegewezen tijd voor leerlingtoewijzing n}{toegewezen tijd voor leerlingtoewijzing n}
{allotted time for student talk n}{allotted time for student talk n}
{thema van leerlingtoewijzing n}{thema van leerlingtoewijzing n}
{theme of student talk n}{theme of student talk n}
{bronmateriaal voor leeerlingtoewijzing n}{bronmateriaal voor leeerlingtoewijzing n}
{souce material for student talk n}{souce material for student talk n}
{toegewezen verkondiger voor leerlingtoewijzing n in de gegeven zaal}{toegewezen verkondiger voor leerlingtoewijzing n in de gegeven zaal}
{assigned publisher for student talk n in given class}{assigned publisher for student talk n in given class}
{toegewezen assistent voor leerlingtoewijzing n in de gegeven zaal}{toegewezen assistent voor leerlingtoewijzing n in de gegeven zaal}
{assigned assistant for student talk n in given class}{assigned assistant for student talk n in given class}
{opmerkingen bij leerlingtoewijzing n}{opmerkingen bij leerlingtoewijzing n}
{notes for student talk n}{notes for student talk n}
{extra tijd voor 1ste FM-onderdeel ; raad}{extra tijd voor 1ste FM-onderdeel ; raad}
{extra time for 1st FM-item; counsel}{extra time for 1st FM-item; counsel}
{extra tijd voor 2de FM-onderdeel ; raad}{extra tijd voor 2de FM-onderdeel ; raad}
{extra time for 2nd FM-item; counsel}{extra time for 2nd FM-item; counsel}
{extra tijd voor 3de FM-onderdeel ; raad}{extra tijd voor 3de FM-onderdeel ; raad}
{extra time for 3rd FM-item; counsel}{extra time for 3rd FM-item; counsel}
{naam van de kleur voor die maand}{naam van de kleur voor die maand}
{monthly color name}{monthly color name}
{RGB-kleur voor die maand}{RGB-kleur voor die maand}
{monthly RGB color}{monthly RGB color}
{maandnummer }{maandnummer }
{month number}{month number}
{Inleidende opmerkingen}{Inleidende opmerkingen}
{Opening Comments}{Opening Comments}
{bijbelleesprogramma volgende week}{bijbelleesprogramma volgende week}
{next week bible reading}{next week bible reading}
{thema volgende week}{thema volgende week}
{next week theme}{next week theme}
{volgende week toegewezen persoon in gegeven klas}{volgende week toegewezen persoon in gegeven klas}
{next week assigned person in given class}{next week assigned person in given class}
{volgende week thema van leerlingtoewijzing n}{volgende week thema van leerlingtoewijzing n}
{next week theme of student talk n}{next week theme of student talk n}
{volgende week toegewezen verkondiger voor leerlingtoewijzing n in gegeven klas}{volgende week toegewezen verkondiger voor leerlingtoewijzing n in gegeven klas}
{next week assigned publisher for student talk n in given class}{next week assigned publisher for student talk n in given class}
{aan te passen titel voor slotopmerkingen}{aan te passen titel voor slotopmerkingen}
{Customizable title for RPA notes}{Customizable title for RPA notes}
{aan te passen titel voor openingsopmerkingen}{aan te passen titel voor openingsopmerkingen}
{Customizable title for OC notes}{Customizable title for OC notes}
Afdruklabels voor sjabloon 'overzicht'Afdruklabels voor sjabloon 'overzicht'
Afdruklabels voor sjabloon 'overzicht'Afdruklabels voor sjabloon 'overzicht'
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_TH_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_TH_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_TH_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_TH_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_TH_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_TH_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_TH_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_TH_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CO_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CO_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CO_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CO_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CLASS_[A..C]_SCHEDULED<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CLASS_[A..C]_SCHEDULED<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CLASS_[A..C]_SCHEDULED<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CLASS_[A..C]_SCHEDULED<!-- Don't translate this. -->
BZ (afkorting Bijzaal)BZ (afkorting Bijzaal)
BZ (afkorting Bijzaal)BZ (afkorting Bijzaal)
<!-- Printing tag: -->AUX_SHORT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
AUX_SHORT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->AUX_SHORT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
AUX_SHORT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
HZ (afkorting Hoofdzaal)HZ (afkorting Hoofdzaal)
HZ (afkorting Hoofdzaal)HZ (afkorting Hoofdzaal)
<!-- Printing tag: -->NEXT_WEEK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
NEXT_WEEK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->NEXT_WEEK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
NEXT_WEEK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Volgende weekVolgende week
Volgende weekVolgende week
<!-- Printing tag: -->NEXT_WEEK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
NEXT_WEEK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->NEXT_WEEK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
NEXT_WEEK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TODAY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TODAY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TODAY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TODAY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{Customizable title for OC notes}{Customizable title for OC notes}
{Customizable title for OC notes}{Customizable title for OC notes}
<!-- Printing tag: -->OC_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
OC_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->OC_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
OC_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{Customizable title for RPA notes}{Customizable title for RPA notes}
{Customizable title for RPA notes}{Customizable title for RPA notes}
<!-- Printing tag: -->RPA_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
RPA_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->RPA_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
RPA_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CO_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CO_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CO_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CO_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CBS_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CBS_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CL[1..3]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CL[1..3]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{next week assigned publisher for student talk n in given class}{next week assigned publisher for student talk n in given class}
{next week assigned publisher for student talk n in given class}{next week assigned publisher for student talk n in given class}
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{next week theme of student talk n}{next week theme of student talk n}
{next week theme of student talk n}{next week theme of student talk n}
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{next week assigned person in given class}{next week assigned person in given class}
{next week assigned person in given class}{next week assigned person in given class}
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{next week theme}{next week theme}
{next week theme}{next week theme}
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW[1..3]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW[1..3]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW[1..3]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW[1..3]_THEME_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{next week bible reading}{next week bible reading}
{next week bible reading}{next week bible reading}
<!-- Printing tag: -->LM_SOURCE_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
LM_SOURCE_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->LM_SOURCE_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
LM_SOURCE_NW<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->RPA_CONTENT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
RPA_CONTENT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->RPA_CONTENT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
RPA_CONTENT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{Opening Comments}{Opening Comments}
{Opening Comments}{Opening Comments}
<!-- Printing tag: -->OC_CONTENT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
OC_CONTENT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->OC_CONTENT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
OC_CONTENT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{month number}{month number}
{month number}{month number}
<!-- Printing tag: -->MWB_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
MWB_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->MWB_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
MWB_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{monthly RGB color}{monthly RGB color}
{monthly RGB color}{monthly RGB color}
<!-- Printing tag: -->MWB_RGB<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
MWB_RGB<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->MWB_RGB<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
MWB_RGB<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{monthly color name}{monthly color name}
{monthly color name}{monthly color name}
<!-- Printing tag: -->MWB_COLOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
MWB_COLOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->MWB_COLOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
MWB_COLOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CO_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CO_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CO_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CO_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CO_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CO_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CO_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CO_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CBS_READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CBS_READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_CONDUCTOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CBS_CONDUCTOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_CONDUCTOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CBS_CONDUCTOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CBS_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CBS_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CBS_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CBS_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CBS_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CL[1..3]_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CL[1..3]_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CL[1..3]_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CL[1..3]_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CL[1..3]_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CL[1..3]_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CL[1..3]_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{extra time for 3rd FM-item; counsel}{extra time for 3rd FM-item; counsel}
{extra time for 3rd FM-item; counsel}{extra time for 3rd FM-item; counsel}
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM3_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM3_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM3_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM3_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{extra time for 2nd FM-item; counsel}{extra time for 2nd FM-item; counsel}
{extra time for 2nd FM-item; counsel}{extra time for 2nd FM-item; counsel}
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM2_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM2_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM2_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM2_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{extra time for 1st FM-item; counsel}{extra time for 1st FM-item; counsel}
{extra time for 1st FM-item; counsel}{extra time for 1st FM-item; counsel}
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM1_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM1_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM1_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM1_EXTRATIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{notes for student talk n}{notes for student talk n}
{notes for student talk n}{notes for student talk n}
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_NOTES_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_NOTES_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_NOTES_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_NOTES_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{assigned assistant for student talk n in given class}{assigned assistant for student talk n in given class}
{assigned assistant for student talk n in given class}{assigned assistant for student talk n in given class}
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_ASSISTANT_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_ASSISTANT_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_ASSISTANT_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_ASSISTANT_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDYNAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDYNAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDYNAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDYNAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_EX_DONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_EX_DONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_EX_DONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]_EX_DONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{assigned publisher for student talk n in given class}{assigned publisher for student talk n in given class}
{assigned publisher for student talk n in given class}{assigned publisher for student talk n in given class}
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_SPEAKER_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SAMPLEVIDEO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_SAMPLEVIDEO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SAMPLEVIDEO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_SAMPLEVIDEO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{souce material for student talk n}{souce material for student talk n}
{souce material for student talk n}{souce material for student talk n}
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_SOURCE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{theme of student talk n}{theme of student talk n}
{theme of student talk n}{theme of student talk n}
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{allotted time for student talk n}{allotted time for student talk n}
{allotted time for student talk n}{allotted time for student talk n}
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FM[1..n]_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FM[1..n]_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_NOTES_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_NOTES_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_NOTES_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_NOTES_[A..C]<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{study name}{study name}
{study name}{study name}
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDYNAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDYNAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDYNAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDYNAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{study number}{study number}
{study number}{study number}
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_STUDY<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{check mark if student did the exercise(s)}{check mark if student did the exercise(s)}
{check mark if student did the exercise(s)}{check mark if student did the exercise(s)}
{assigned student}{assigned student}
{assigned student}{assigned student}
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_EX_DONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_EX_DONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_EX_DONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
GW3_SPEAKER_[A..C]_EX_DONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<a href="#overall">Algemene afdruklabels</a> voor bereik MW1
<a href="#overall">
Algemene afdruklabels</a>
voor bereik MW1 -
<a href="#overall">Algemene afdruklabels</a> voor bereik MW1
<a href="#overall">
Algemene afdruklabels</a>
voor bereik MW1
<!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<q>Gemeente</q> <var class="pt_variable_description">{gemeentenaam }</var>
 <var class="pt_variable_description">
{gemeentenaam }</var>
<q>Gemeente</q> <var class="pt_variable_description">{congregation name}</var>
 <var class="pt_variable_description">
{congregation name}</var>
<q>Gemeente</q> <var class="pt_variable_description">{congregation name}</var>
 <var class="pt_variable_description">
{congregation name}</var>
<q>Gemeente</q> <var class="pt_variable_description">{congregation name}</var>
 <var class="pt_variable_description">
{congregation name}</var>
<!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{gemeentenaam }{gemeentenaam }
{congregation name}{congregation name}
{congregation name}{congregation name}
{congregation name}{congregation name}
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Openbare lezingOpenbare lezing
Openbare lezingOpenbare lezing
<!-- Printing tag: -->WT_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WT_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->WT_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WT_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TREASURES_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TREASURES_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->TREASURES_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TREASURES_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->APPLY_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
APPLY_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->APPLY_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
APPLY_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->LIVING_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
LIVING_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->LIVING_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
LIVING_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
[label dat bij het herhalen van de weken het begin van een week aangeeft (MW2)][label dat bij het herhalen van de weken het begin van een week aangeeft (MW2)]
[Week loop start tag (MW2)][Week loop start tag (MW2)]
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
[Week loop start tag (MW2)][Week loop start tag (MW2)]
[Week loop start tag (MW2)][Week loop start tag (MW2)]
{label dat bij het herhalen van de weken het eind van een week aangeeft (MW2)]{label dat bij het herhalen van de weken het eind van een week aangeeft (MW2)]
[Week loop end tag (MW2)][Week loop end tag (MW2)]
[Week loop end tag (MW2)][Week loop end tag (MW2)]
[Week loop end tag (MW2)][Week loop end tag (MW2)]
Afdruklabels voor sjabloon 'werkbladen'Afdruklabels voor sjabloon 'werkbladen'
Afdruklabels voor sjabloon 'werkbladen'Afdruklabels voor sjabloon 'werkbladen'
[label dat bij het herhalen van de weken het begin van een week aangeeft (2; MW2)][label dat bij het herhalen van de weken het begin van een week aangeeft (2; MW2)]
[Week loop start tag (2; MW2)][Week loop start tag (2; MW2)]
[label dat bij het herhalen van de weken het eind van een week aangeeft (2; MW2)][label dat bij het herhalen van de weken het eind van een week aangeeft (2; MW2)]
[Week loop end tag (2; MW2)][Week loop end tag (2; MW2)]
[Week loop start tag (2; MW2)][Week loop start tag (2; MW2)]
[Week loop start tag (2; MW2)][Week loop start tag (2; MW2)]
[Week loop end tag (2; MW2)][Week loop end tag (2; MW2)]
[Week loop end tag (2; MW2)][Week loop end tag (2; MW2)]
<!-- Printing tag: -->CLASS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CLASS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CLASS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CLASS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<q>Class</q> <var class="pt_variable_description">{schoolnummer }</var>
<var class="pt_variable_description">
{schoolnummer }</var>
<q>Class</q> <var class="pt_variable_description">{class numeral}</var>
<var class="pt_variable_description">
{class numeral}</var>
<q>Class</q> <var class="pt_variable_description">{class numeral}</var>
<var class="pt_variable_description">
{class numeral}</var>
<q>Class</q> <var class="pt_variable_description">{class numeral}</var>
<var class="pt_variable_description">
{class numeral}</var>
<q>Class</q> <var class="pt_variable_description">{class numeral}</var>
<var class="pt_variable_description">
{class numeral}</var>
<q>Class</q> <var class="pt_variable_description">{class numeral}</var>
<var class="pt_variable_description">
{class numeral}</var>
Afdruklabels - Doordeweekse en weekendvergaderinAfdruklabels - Doordeweekse en weekendvergaderin
Afdruklabels - Doordeweekse en weekendvergaderinAfdruklabels - Doordeweekse en weekendvergaderin
Hier is een lijst met afdruklabels en de overeenkomende waarden. Deze labels zijn mogelijk alleen op bepaalde niveaus beschikbaar, zoals:Hier is een lijst met afdruklabels en de overeenkomende waarden. Deze labels zijn mogelijk alleen op bepaalde niveaus beschikbaar, zoals:
Hier is een lijst met afdruklabels en de overeenkomende waarden. Deze labels zijn mogelijk alleen op bepaalde niveaus beschikbaar, zoals:Hier is een lijst met afdruklabels en de overeenkomende waarden. Deze labels zijn mogelijk alleen op bepaalde niveaus beschikbaar, zoals:
ergens in het hele sjabloon [1]ergens in het hele sjabloon [1]
ergens in het hele sjabloon [1]ergens in het hele sjabloon [1]
binnen een softwarelus [2]binnen een softwarelus [2]
binnen een softwarelus [2]binnen een softwarelus [2]
of zelfs in een geneste softwarelus [3]of zelfs in een geneste softwarelus [3]
of zelfs in een geneste softwarelus [3]of zelfs in een geneste softwarelus [3]
Elke softwarelus heeft een begin- en een eindlabel. Deze worden ook zo aangegeven (<code>*_START; *_END</code>). De omschrijving van de labels staat <span class="pt_loop_description">[tussen teksthaken]</span> in de kolom <strong>Waarde</strong>. Hierin staat ook het <strong>Bereik</strong> van de beschikbare labels. Als een afdruklabel een variabele bavat, dan staat de beschrijving daarvan <var class="pt_variable_description">{tussen accoladen}</var>. Zo niet, dan verschijnt de bedoelde tekst.Elke softwarelus heeft een begin- en een eindlabel. Deze worden ook zo aangegeven (
*_START; *_END</code>
). De omschrijving van de labels staat<span class="pt_loop_description">
[tussen teksthaken]</span>
in de kolom<strong>
. Hierin staat ook het<strong>
van de beschikbare labels. Als een afdruklabel een variabele bavat, dan staat de beschrijving daarvan<var class="pt_variable_description">
{tussen accoladen}</var>
. Zo niet, dan verschijnt de bedoelde tekst. -
Elke softwarelus heeft een begin- en een eindlabel. Deze worden ook zo aangegeven (<code>*_START; *_END</code>). De omschrijving van de labels staat <span class="pt_loop_description">[tussen teksthaken]</span> in de kolom <strong>Waarde</strong>. Hierin staat ook het <strong>Bereik</strong> van de beschikbare labels. Als een afdruklabel een variabele bavat, dan staat de beschrijving daarvan <var class="pt_variable_description">{tussen accoladen}</var>. Zo niet, dan verschijnt de bedoelde tekst.Elke softwarelus heeft een begin- en een eindlabel. Deze worden ook zo aangegeven (
*_START; *_END</code>
). De omschrijving van de labels staat<span class="pt_loop_description">
[tussen teksthaken]</span>
in de kolom<strong>
. Hierin staat ook het<strong>
van de beschikbare labels. Als een afdruklabel een variabele bavat, dan staat de beschrijving daarvan<var class="pt_variable_description">
{tussen accoladen}</var>
. Zo niet, dan verschijnt de bedoelde tekst.
Doordeweekse en weekendvergaderingDoordeweekse en weekendvergadering
Doordeweekse en weekendvergaderingDoordeweekse en weekendvergadering
Algemene afdruklabelsAlgemene afdruklabels
Algemene afdruklabelsAlgemene afdruklabels
<!-- Printing tag: -->PM_DATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PM_DATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PM_DATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PM_DATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->EXCEPTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
EXCEPTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->EXCEPTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
EXCEPTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{Bezoek kringopziener, week congres, ...}{Bezoek kringopziener, week congres, ...}
{Circuit Overseer's visit, Convention week, ...}{Circuit Overseer's visit, Convention week, ...}
{Circuit Overseer's visit, Convention week, ...}{Circuit Overseer's visit, Convention week, ...}
{Circuit Overseer's visit, Convention week, ...}{Circuit Overseer's visit, Convention week, ...}
<!-- Printing tag: -->NO_MEETING_EXCEPTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
NO_MEETING_EXCEPTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->NO_MEETING_EXCEPTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
NO_MEETING_EXCEPTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{<!-- Return value: -->"Yes"<!-- Don't translate this. --> of leeg}{
<!-- Return value: -->
"Yes"<!-- Don't translate this. -->
of leeg} -
{<!-- Return value: -->"Yes"<!-- Don't translate this. --> or empty}{
<!-- Return value: -->
"Yes"<!-- Don't translate this. -->
or empty}
{<!-- Return value: -->"Yes"<!-- Don't translate this. --> or empty}{
<!-- Return value: -->
"Yes"<!-- Don't translate this. -->
or empty} -
{<!-- Return value: -->"Yes"<!-- Don't translate this. --> or empty}{
<!-- Return value: -->
"Yes"<!-- Don't translate this. -->
or empty}
<!-- Printing tag: -->CO_VISIT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CO_VISIT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CO_VISIT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CO_VISIT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CO_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CO_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CO_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CO_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{naam kringopziener}{naam kringopziener}
{name of the circuit overseer}{name of the circuit overseer}
{name of the circuit overseer}{name of the circuit overseer}
{name of the circuit overseer}{name of the circuit overseer}
<!-- Printing tag: -->CONVENTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CONVENTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CONVENTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CONVENTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->WEEKS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WEEKS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->WEEKS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WEEKS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FULLWEEKNUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FULLWEEKNUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->FULLWEEKNUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
FULLWEEKNUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{fullweek number}{fullweek number}
{fullweek number}{fullweek number}
<!-- Printing tag: -->WEEKNUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WEEKNUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->WEEKNUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WEEKNUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{current week number}{current week number}
{current week number}{current week number}
<!-- Printing tag: -->NEWMONTH<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
NEWMONTH<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->NEWMONTH<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
NEWMONTH<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->ENDMONTH<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
ENDMONTH<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->ENDMONTH<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
ENDMONTH<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->ISFIRST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
ISFIRST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->ISFIRST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
ISFIRST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->ISLAST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
ISLAST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->ISLAST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
ISLAST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->BEGIN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
BEGIN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->BEGIN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
BEGIN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Begint omBegint om
Begint omBegint om
Afdruklabels voor sjablonen 'combineren'Afdruklabels voor sjablonen 'combineren'
Afdruklabels voor sjablonen 'combineren'Afdruklabels voor sjablonen 'combineren'
<!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<q>Gemeente</q> <var class="pt_variable_description">{gemeentenaam }</var>
 <var class="pt_variable_description">
{gemeentenaam }</var>
<var class="pt_variable_description">{congregation name}</var> <q>Gemeente</q>
<var class="pt_variable_description">
{congregation name}</var>
<var class="pt_variable_description">{congregation name}</var> <q>Gemeente</q>
<var class="pt_variable_description">
{congregation name}</var>
<var class="pt_variable_description">{congregation name}</var> <q>Gemeente</q>
<var class="pt_variable_description">
{congregation name}</var>
<!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{gemeentenaam }{gemeentenaam }
{congregation name}{congregation name}
{congregation name}{congregation name}
{congregation name}{congregation name}
<!-- Printing tag: -->CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->COUNSELOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
COUNSELOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->COUNSELOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
COUNSELOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CONDUCTOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CONDUCTOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->CONDUCTOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
CONDUCTOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Openbare vergaderingOpenbare vergadering
Openbare vergaderingOpenbare vergadering
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Openbare lezingOpenbare lezing
Openbare lezingOpenbare lezing
<!-- Printing tag: -->WT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->WT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->MIDWEEK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
MIDWEEK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->MIDWEEK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
MIDWEEK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Doordeweekse vergaderingDoordeweekse vergadering
Doordeweekse vergaderingDoordeweekse vergadering
<!-- Printing tag: -->LM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
LM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->LM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
LM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->LMM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
LMM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->LMM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
LMM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Gecombineerd schemaGecombineerd schema
Gecombineerde planningGecombineerde planning
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