Project Activity

30 août de 01:42 to 13:45
ETJonasson changed 7 translations in Swedish on Website. See changes »
30 août de 08:15 to 08:18
Pixelrainbow changed 5 translations in Hungarian on Website. See changes »
30 août de 04:26 to 05:50
Heitor changed 46 translations in Portuguese, Brazil on Website. See changes »
30 août ‘13 05:33
Heitor added 1 new term translations to Website’s TermBase in portugais, Brésil. See changes »
30 août de 03:16 to 03:44
Heitor changed 20 translations in Portuguese, Brazil on Website. See changes »
29 août de 10:06 to 22:49
Nienna changed 21 translations in Swedish on Website. See changes »
29 août de 09:52 to 22:09
Webspider changed 7 translations in Dutch on Website. See changes »
29 août ‘13 22:04
Nienna joined the project Website as Translator with super proofreading rights. Nienna was invited by Jonne Haß.
29 août ‘13 21:54
Webspider created a discussion: pages.about.notthis_ex on Website.
29 août de 07:23 to 20:52
Heitor changed 58 translations in Portuguese, Brazil on Website. See changes »
29 août ‘13 20:20
Heitor added 1 new term translations to Website’s TermBase in portugais, Brésil. See changes »
29 août de 06:53 to 19:12
Simos Dalkyriadis changed 27 translations in Greek on Website. See changes »
29 août de 05:46 to 17:52
Heitor changed 6 translations in Portuguese, Brazil on Website. See changes »
29 août ‘13 17:14
Webspider joined the project Website as Translator with super proofreading rights. Webspider was invited by Jonne Haß.
29 août ‘13 17:12
Fubik0 joined the project Website as Translator with super proofreading rights. Fubik0 was invited by Jonne Haß.
29 août de 04:55 to 16:58
Heitor changed 4 translations in Portuguese, Brazil on Website. See changes »
29 août ‘13 16:49
Heitor joined the project Website as Translator with super proofreading rights. Heitor was invited by Jonne Haß.
29 août de 03:53 to 16:08
Pixelrainbow changed 32 translations in Hungarian on Website. See changes »
29 août de 03:25 to 15:26
2 target files were added via the API to Website. See changes »
29 août ‘13 15:25
The Danish (da) language was added to the project Website.
29 août de 03:13 to 15:22
Christian changed 9 translations in German on Website. See changes »
29 août de 03:07 to 15:11
Christian added 2 new term translations to Website’s TermBase in allemand. See changes »
29 août ‘13 15:07
Christian added 1 new terms to Website’s TermBase to Website. See changes »
29 août ‘13 12:58
ETJonasson changed 1 translations in Swedish on Website. See changes »
29 août de 12:43 to 12:56
Christian changed 5 translations in German on Website. See changes »