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1 file imported to database on
A file was updated via the API on
4 files imported to database on
5 files were updated via the API on
Common texts for all apps by Fulmine Software (Fulmine Tools Library) because it wasn’t accepted in more than 3 months.
WebTranslateIt deactivated an invitation for the project
Manager because it wasn’t accepted in more than 3 months.
WebTranslateIt deactivated an invitation for the project
Manager because it wasn’t accepted in more than 3 months.
WebTranslateIt deactivated an invitation for the project
47 e-mail addresses were notified.
New segments were added to the project
50 e-mail addresses were notified.
New segments were added to the project
1 file imported to database on
1 translation were changed in French via the API on
2 files were updated via the API on
Manager because it wasn’t accepted in more than 3 months.
WebTranslateIt deactivated an invitation for the project
Paowenfeng4 joined the project Manager
1 file imported to database on
40 translation were changed in German, Catalan, Arabic, Dutch, French, Galician, Polish, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian via the API on
A file was updated via the API on
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