Project Activity

11 Jun from 6:46am to 7:07am
Tomo changed 10 translations in Nepali on TheocBase. See changes »
11 Jun ‘19 05:43
Marc Theunissen commented on a discussion: 988eddadda2e4e5172b066ec3985700ed216865b on TheocBase.
10 Jun ‘19 21:48
Ruben Van Laerhoven commented on a discussion: 988eddadda2e4e5172b066ec3985700ed216865b on TheocBase.
10 Jun from 9:31pm to 9:36pm
Ruben Van Laerhoven changed 75 translations in Dutch on TheocBase. See changes »
10 Jun from 9:09pm to 9:31pm
Ruben Van Laerhoven changed 500 translations in Dutch on TheocBase. See changes »
10 Jun from 8:22pm to 9:09pm
Ruben Van Laerhoven changed 500 translations in Dutch on TheocBase. See changes »
10 Jun from 8:15pm to 8:54pm
Marc Theunissen changed 328 translations in Dutch on TheocBase. See changes »
10 Jun ‘19 20:43
Marc Theunissen commented on a discussion: 988eddadda2e4e5172b066ec3985700ed216865b on TheocBase.
10 Jun from 6:48pm to 8:26pm
Samuel Dias changed 59 translations in Portuguese on TheocBase. See changes »
10 Jun from 7:45pm to 7:46pm
Dpavlic3 changed 3 translations in Slovenian on TheocBase. See changes »
10 Jun from 3:49pm to 3:51pm
Denis Raudsepp changed 7 translations in Estonian on TheocBase. See changes »
10 Jun ‘19 12:27
Tomo changed 1 translations in Nepali on TheocBase. See changes »
10 Jun from 12:03pm to 12:11pm
Martin Kalchev changed 16 translations in Bulgarian on TheocBase. See changes »
10 Jun from 9:26am to 10:49am
Marc Theunissen changed 291 translations in Dutch on TheocBase. See changes »
10 Jun from 8:43am to 8:48am
Gianluca Montalban changed 3 translations in Italian on TheocBase. See changes »
10 Jun from 7:45am to 7:45am
JJ-SS changed 2 translations in Thai, Thailand on TheocBase. See changes »
10 Jun ‘19 04:57
Audrius Daunoras changed 1 translations in Lithuanian on TheocBase. See changes »
10 Jun from 3:04am to 3:11am
Nikerson Frederique changed 16 translations in Haitian on TheocBase. See changes »
09 Jun from 10:56pm to 11:15pm
David79 changed 33 translations in French and French-based Creole or Pidgin Guadeloupean Creole on TheocBase. See changes »
09 Jun ‘19 21:40
1 file imported to database on TheocBase. See changes »
09 Jun ‘19 21:39
A file was updated via the API on TheocBase. See changes »
09 Jun from 9:00pm to 9:00pm
New segments were added to the project TheocBase. 2 e-mail addresses were notified.
09 Jun from 9:00pm to 9:00pm
New segments were added to the project TheocBase. 50 e-mail addresses were notified.
09 Jun from 9:00pm to 9:00pm
New segments were added to the project TheocBase. 50 e-mail addresses were notified.
09 Jun from 8:24pm to 8:50pm
Marc Theunissen changed 119 translations in Dutch on TheocBase. See changes »