Project Activity

13 Jun from 10:20am to 11:37am
Dpavlic3 changed 131 translations in Slovenian on TheocBase. See changes »
13 Jun from 9:54am to 9:54am
Marc Theunissen changed 2 translations in Dutch on TheocBase. See changes »
13 Jun from 9:45am to 9:50am
Martin Kalchev changed 12 translations in Bulgarian on TheocBase. See changes »
13 Jun from 7:32am to 9:04am
Dpavlic3 changed 467 translations in Slovenian on TheocBase. See changes »
13 Jun from 7:48am to 8:26am
Tomo changed 27 translations in Nepali on TheocBase. See changes »
13 Jun from 5:22am to 5:22am
Juhani Matilainen changed 3 translations in Finnish on TheocBase. See changes »
12 Jun from 9:17pm to 9:50pm
Marc Theunissen changed 34 translations in Dutch on TheocBase. See changes »
12 Jun from 7:28pm to 7:40pm
Marc Theunissen changed 56 translations in Dutch on TheocBase. See changes »
12 Jun from 6:57pm to 7:10pm
Martin Kalchev changed 51 translations in Bulgarian on TheocBase. See changes »
12 Jun from 5:00pm to 5:00pm
New segments were added to the project TheocBase. 2 e-mail addresses were notified.
12 Jun from 5:00pm to 5:00pm
New segments were added to the project TheocBase. 50 e-mail addresses were notified.
12 Jun from 5:00pm to 5:00pm
New segments were added to the project TheocBase. 50 e-mail addresses were notified.
12 Jun from 4:11pm to 4:28pm
8 files imported to database on TheocBase. See changes »
12 Jun from 4:10pm to 4:27pm
8 files were updated via the API on TheocBase. See changes »
12 Jun ‘19 16:16
A new master file was added via the API to TheocBase. See changes »
12 Jun from 4:16pm to 4:16pm
6 target files were added via the API to TheocBase. See changes »
12 Jun from 4:16pm to 4:16pm
50 target files were added via the API to TheocBase. See changes »
12 Jun from 1:34pm to 2:27pm
Massimo Gomirato changed 159 translations in Italian on TheocBase. See changes »
12 Jun from 12:46pm to 1:30pm
Tomo changed 6 translations in Nepali on TheocBase. See changes »
12 Jun ‘19 12:47
Marc Theunissen commented on a discussion: b4a2032074ec9154e64bcac1b716f9bb0b761e49 on TheocBase.
12 Jun from 11:18am to 11:33am
Tomo changed 9 translations in Nepali on TheocBase. See changes »
12 Jun from 10:14am to 10:22am
Zbynda changed 12 translations in Czech on TheocBase. See changes »
12 Jun from 8:50am to 8:50am
Marc Theunissen changed 2 translations in Dutch on TheocBase. See changes »
12 Jun ‘19 06:52
Marlonb commented on a discussion: b4a2032074ec9154e64bcac1b716f9bb0b761e49 on TheocBase.
12 Jun from 6:43am to 6:46am
Glenn Grice changed 6 translations in Burmese, Myanmar [Burma] on TheocBase. See changes »