Project Activity

12 Feb ‘14 23:02
1 file imported to database on TheocBase. See changes »
12 Feb from 8:20pm to 8:59pm
Daniel Kasal changed 120 translations in Czech on TheocBase. See changes »
12 Feb from 7:42pm to 7:48pm
Daniel Kasal changed 37 translations in Czech on TheocBase. See changes »
12 Feb from 2:27pm to 2:28pm
2 translation were changed in Italian via the API on TheocBase. See changes »
12 Feb ‘14 07:01
1 file imported to database on TheocBase. See changes »
11 Feb ‘14 15:04
1 file imported to database on TheocBase. See changes »
10 Feb ‘14 23:01
1 file imported to database on TheocBase. See changes »
10 Feb from 4:14pm to 4:24pm
Dominik Podlaski changed 28 translations in Polish on TheocBase. See changes »
10 Feb from 12:27pm to 12:45pm
54 translation were changed in Italian via the API on TheocBase. See changes »
10 Feb ‘14 07:01
1 file imported to database on TheocBase. See changes »
09 Feb from 8:53pm to 10:41pm
Daniel Kasal changed 279 translations in Czech on TheocBase. See changes »
09 Feb from 8:56pm to 9:01pm
Dominik Podlaski changed 9 translations in Polish on TheocBase. See changes »
09 Feb from 7:12pm to 7:25pm
53 translation were changed in Slovak via the API on TheocBase. See changes »
09 Feb ‘14 15:01
1 file imported to database on TheocBase. See changes »
09 Feb from 8:57am to 9:02am
Daniel Kasal changed 4 translations in Czech on TheocBase. See changes »
08 Feb ‘14 23:01
1 file imported to database on TheocBase. See changes »
08 Feb ‘14 07:01
1 file imported to database on TheocBase. See changes »
07 Feb ‘14 23:32
Anatoly Pletnev changed 1 translations in Russian on TheocBase. See changes »
07 Feb from 8:25pm to 8:27pm
Dennis Persson changed 3 translations in Danish on TheocBase. See changes »
07 Feb ‘14 19:15
Arto Lappalainen changed 1 translations in Estonian on TheocBase. See changes »
07 Feb ‘14 19:01
Ruben Van Laerhoven changed 1 translations in Dutch on TheocBase. See changes »
07 Feb ‘14 17:02
1 translation were changed in German via the API on TheocBase. See changes »
07 Feb ‘14 15:02
1 file imported to database on TheocBase. See changes »
06 Feb ‘14 23:01
1 file imported to database on TheocBase. See changes »
06 Feb from 8:49pm to 8:50pm
Juhani Matilainen launched a Proofread Batch Operation in English on TheocBase. See changes »