Project Activity

06 Feb ‘14 20:47
Juhani Matilainen updated a file on TheocBase. See changes »
06 Feb from 3:50pm to 4:26pm
Daniel Kasal changed 27 translations in Czech on TheocBase. See changes »
06 Feb ‘14 15:01
1 file imported to database on TheocBase. See changes »
06 Feb from 1:21pm to 1:48pm
Daniel Kasal changed 39 translations in Czech on TheocBase. See changes »
06 Feb from 8:49am to 9:17am
Daniel Kasal changed 16 translations in Czech on TheocBase. See changes »
05 Feb ‘14 23:01
1 file imported to database on TheocBase. See changes »
05 Feb ‘14 07:01
1 file imported to database on TheocBase. See changes »
04 Feb ‘14 15:01
1 file imported to database on TheocBase. See changes »
03 Feb ‘14 23:01
1 file imported to database on TheocBase. See changes »
03 Feb from 6:31pm to 6:34pm
Daniel Kasal changed 17 translations in Czech on TheocBase. See changes »
03 Feb from 5:26pm to 5:43pm
Daniel Kasal changed 53 translations in Czech on TheocBase. See changes »
03 Feb from 3:26pm to 4:10pm
Daniel Kasal changed 88 translations in Czech on TheocBase. See changes »
03 Feb from 12:18pm to 12:48pm
Daniel Kasal changed 14 translations in Czech on TheocBase. See changes »
03 Feb ‘14 12:16
Daniel Kasal joined the project TheocBase as Translator with super proofreading rights. Daniel Kasal was invited by Juhani Matilainen.
03 Feb from 10:18am to 10:25am
Dennis Persson changed 51 translations in Danish on TheocBase. See changes »
03 Feb from 9:42am to 9:42am
Juhani Matilainen added 2 target files to TheocBase. See changes »
03 Feb ‘14 09:42
The Czech (cs) language was added to the project TheocBase.
03 Feb ‘14 07:01
1 file imported to database on TheocBase. See changes »
02 Feb from 7:03pm to 7:34pm
Arto Lappalainen changed 49 translations in Estonian on TheocBase. See changes »
02 Feb ‘14 15:01
1 file imported to database on TheocBase. See changes »
02 Feb ‘14 10:27
Anatoly Pletnev changed 1 translations in Russian on TheocBase. See changes »
01 Feb ‘14 23:01
1 file imported to database on TheocBase. See changes »
01 Feb ‘14 19:22
Juhani Matilainen created a discussion: Toggle Talks Editable on TheocBase.
01 Feb from 5:24pm to 6:05pm
Anatoly Pletnev changed 57 translations in Russian on TheocBase. See changes »
01 Feb from 3:36pm to 4:04pm
Ruben Van Laerhoven changed 57 translations in Dutch on TheocBase. See changes »