Project Activity

31 juil. de 12:05 to 13:03
Dmitrij changed 21 translations in Russian on TheocBase. See changes »
31 juil. ‘19 12:04
Dmitrij created a discussion: 59653c3d5bd7be70bcfc0f25c0a85affacda3f31 on TheocBase.
31 juil. ‘19 12:02
Dmitrij joined the project TheocBase as Translator . Dmitrij was invited by Juhani Matilainen.
31 juil. de 04:49 to 05:13
Bbudar changed 136 translations in Romanian on TheocBase. See changes »
31 juil. de 04:39 to 04:39
23 target files were added via the API to TheocBase. See changes »
31 juil. ‘19 04:39
The Fon (fon) language was added to the project TheocBase.
30 juil. de 04:04 to 17:00
Massimo Gomirato changed 155 translations in Italian on TheocBase. See changes »
30 juil. de 02:03 to 16:04
Massimo Gomirato changed 500 translations in Italian on TheocBase. See changes »
30 juil. de 12:00 to 14:03
Massimo Gomirato changed 500 translations in Italian on TheocBase. See changes »
30 juil. de 10:08 to 10:10
Dennis Persson changed 8 translations in Danish on TheocBase. See changes »
30 juil. de 12:04 to 00:30
Nikerson Frederique changed 23 translations in Haitian on TheocBase. See changes »
29 juil. de 05:29 to 17:47
Massimo Gomirato changed 17 translations in Italian on TheocBase. See changes »
29 juil. de 01:19 to 14:36
Massimo Gomirato changed 127 translations in Italian on TheocBase. See changes »
28 juil. de 08:13 to 08:24
Gianluca Montalban changed 19 translations in Italian on TheocBase. See changes »
27 juil. de 12:41 to 12:52
Anatoly Pletnev changed 22 translations in Russian on TheocBase. See changes »
27 juil. ‘19 09:26
Marlonb created a discussion: Translation into Italian on TheocBase.
27 juil. de 07:54 to 08:03
Martin Kalchev changed 20 translations in Bulgarian on TheocBase. See changes »
26 juil. de 10:25 to 10:25
Dennis Persson changed 4 translations in Danish on TheocBase. See changes »
26 juil. de 01:05 to 01:47
JJ-SS changed 42 translations in Thai, Thailand on TheocBase. See changes »
25 juil. de 03:04 to 03:04
Smonte64 changed 2 translations in Portuguese, Brazil on TheocBase. See changes »
23 juil. de 09:29 to 21:30
David79 changed 8 translations in French and French-based Creole or Pidgin Guadeloupean Creole on TheocBase. See changes »
22 juil. de 11:21 to 11:24
Martin Kalchev changed 7 translations in Bulgarian on TheocBase. See changes »
22 juil. ‘19 10:50
Martin Kalchev changed 1 translations in Bulgarian on TheocBase. See changes »
21 juil. de 07:29 to 19:29
3 files imported to database on TheocBase. See changes »
21 juil. de 07:28 to 19:28
138 translation were changed in Finnish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Estonian, Hungarian, German, Dutch, French, Romanian, Afrikaans, Swedish, Croatian, Polish, Slovak, Danish, Bulgarian, Czech, Georgian, Lithuanian, Norwegian Bokmål, Haitian, Ukrainian, Portuguese, Brazil, Slovenian, Burmese, Myanmar [Burma], Chinese, Serbian, Guarani, English, Belize, Bantu Chichewa, Armenian, Thai, Thailand, French-based Creole or Pidgin Guadeloupean Creole and Nepali via the API on TheocBase. See changes »