Project Activity

22 nov. de 11:04 to 11:09
Dominik Podlaski changed 6 translations in Polish on TheocBase. See changes »
22 nov. de 07:00 to 08:00
Dominik Podlaski changed 37 translations in Polish on TheocBase. See changes »
21 nov. de 04:39 to 16:52
Dominik Podlaski changed 8 translations in Polish on TheocBase. See changes »
21 nov. de 12:18 to 12:26
Dominik Podlaski changed 4 translations in Polish on TheocBase. See changes »
21 nov. de 07:11 to 07:47
Dominik Podlaski changed 45 translations in Polish on TheocBase. See changes »
20 nov. ‘12 16:57
Dominik Podlaski changed 1 translations in Polish on TheocBase. See changes »
20 nov. ‘12 16:50
Dominik Podlaski joined the project TheocBase as Translator with super proofreading rights. Dominik Podlaski was invited by Juhani Matilainen.
20 nov. ‘12 11:17
Juhani Matilainen added 1 target file to TheocBase. See changes »
20 nov. ‘12 11:17
The Polish (pl) language was added to the project TheocBase.