European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)

Project Activity

20 jan. de 02:46 to 16:23
Rmonteriso changed 27 translations in German and Italian on European Resistance Archive (ERA). See changes »
20 jan. de 02:12 to 14:15
Rmonteriso changed 2 translations in Italian on European Resistance Archive (ERA). See changes »
20 jan. de 09:55 to 13:25
Rmonteriso changed 226 translations in German and Italian on European Resistance Archive (ERA). See changes »
18 nov. de 01:28 to 16:52
Rmonteriso changed 129 translations in Italian on European Resistance Archive (ERA). See changes »
18 nov. de 10:17 to 12:52
Rmonteriso changed 102 translations in Italian on European Resistance Archive (ERA). See changes »