The WebTranslateIt Blog

i18n news and Product Updates about WebTranslateIt

wti v.3.0.0 released

By Edouard on September 20, 2023

We released the version 3.0.0 of our synchronization tool wti. This is mostly a code refactoring release and it removes one dependency. Here’s the changelog:

  • Remove dependency on multipart_post gem
  • Don’t rescue SSL Errors.
  • Move ArrayUtil#to_columns to StringUtil
  • Replace custom ArrayUtil#chunks with native ruby method each_slice
  • Autocorrect frozen strings comments offences

See the complete wti changelog.

The update to the gem is also available as a docker package, which is running the latest Alpine linux with ruby 3.2.2.

New in WebTranslateIt: Free Machine Translations

By Edouard on May 30, 2023

We’ve released an update to WebTranslateIt where all organization on the plans including Machine Translation (all plans excluding the Starter plan) get access to free machine translations using Google Translate or Bing Translator.

In your project settings you can now select if you want suggestions to run with Google Translate or Microsoft Translator. You won’t have to input your own API key anymore, we’re using our own API key and take care of the bill.

We hope you will like this improvement. Thank you for using WebTranslateIt!

Planned maintenance window on May 20th 2023, 07:00 CEST

By Edouard on May 19, 2023

In order to maintain WebTranslateIt’s service we will take the service down for a hardware maintenance.

We’re upgrading our servers to more powerful and energy saving hardware.

In order to do this upgrade we will need to be unavailable on Saturday, May 20th 2023, 07:00 CEST (Paris Time) as we migrate the data to our new servers. We expect the downtime to not exceed 2 hours. The website will be unavailable from Saturday, May 20th 2023, 07:00 CEST to Saturday, May 20th 2023, 09:00 CEST.

As always, we’ll keep you updated on this blog post and we’ll also post live updates on @webtranslateit on Twitter.

We apologize for this planned downtime.

What’s new in WebTranslateIt — An October and November recap

By Edouard on November 15, 2022

Hi! I hope you’re having a productive week so far. We’ve been shipping several important updates to WebTranslateIt in the past month. We focussed our attention to code refactoring, improvements to existing features and performance improvements.

We have also released a new category on our blog: The Changelog, where you can see the nitty gritty details about the updates that we make. You can subscribe through the changelog’s atom feed. You can also read the changelog on the dashboard when you’re signed in. It’s a quick and easy way to keep you informed about our latest changes.

Here’s what has changed, by order of importance.

Faster Translation Suggestions

We’ve released an update to the Translation Suggestions system to make them load much faster. They are so fast actually, that we’ve simplified and removed all the loading system that used to work via background jobs. Enjoy a much better user experience when using translation suggestions.

More information: Faster Translation Suggestions

Faster File Updates

We released another round of improvements to our file generation system to make them much faster.

More information: Faster File Updates

Updated our YAML handler

Our YAML files are now generated with a new handler using libyaml. The file output will be different. Here is an example of the differences between our current YAMLer and the new YAMLer.

More information: Updated our YAML handler

Update to the word and character count system using Unicode’s text segmentation standard

This is a very deep change on how words and characters are counted in WebTranslateIt. The new system is more accurate, especially when counting words or characters in CJK language.

You can read more information:
- in our documentation about word counting
- or in the changelog entry.

Translation suggestions system improved

We improved the translation suggestions system for projects using Gettext PO files. Due to the nature of PO files, the source text is often blank and is populated by the key name, and this wasn’t picked up by the suggestions system. We updated our translation memory so that it also uses the text from the key names.

More information: Translation suggestions system improved

API Authentication Update

We’ve refactored how the API Authentication system works internally. The project and organization API keys are now prefixed with proj_readwrite and proj_readonly, for example. There is no need to update your integration.

More information: API Authentication Update

Project image charts updated

We replaced the charts system using the long deprecated Google Image Charts with one provided by

More information: Translation Charts Update

Removed low-priority import mode

It used to be possible to push a language file and set the import as a low priority. This was a nice thing to do in the early ages of WebTranslateIt when importing many files used to clog our import queue, but it doesn’t matter anymore so we removed that option and deprecated the command options on the wti client.

More information: Removed low-priority import mode

web_translate_it rubygem v2.7.0 released

By Edouard on October 25, 2022

We have released a new version of the web_translate_it gem, the open-source synchronization Command Line Interface tool for Web Translate It.

This new version brings a few improvements:

wti synchronization tool

Install or Upgrade

To install web_translate_it, please refer to the gem documentation.

As usual, upgrade web_translate_it to its latest version by typing in a terminal: gem install web_translate_it.

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